If you're dripping with sweat after exercising, it's time to rehydrate.
But before you reach for your water bottle, it's important to understand exactly what sweat is made of. This is because when you sweat, you lose not only water but also electrolytes. Replacing these key minerals may help. Hydrate more efficiently and maintain peak performance.
Here's what you need to know about the science behind sweat.
Why do we sweat?
Sweat is the body's natural cooling system. When you feel hot, such as a hot day, spicy food, nerve-wracking situations, or intense exercise, your body increases sweat production to stay cool.
“Normally, we sweat to regulate our body temperature in hot environments,” says Dr. Paul Falcone, chief scientist at BODi. “When the moisture in sweat evaporates, your skin becomes cool.”
on your skin millions of sweat glandsAbout a quart of sweat evaporates from your skin every day.
What does our body lose through sweat?
“Sweat is mostly made up of water and electrolytes, which are essential minerals for the body,” explains Falcone. sweat You can also include Traces of urea, uric acid, ammonia, vitamin C and other substances.
The main electrolytes lost when you sweat are sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. This electrolyte does the following: various important purposes Within the body, it helps the nerves, muscles, heart and brain function properly.
Falcon adds that electrolytes are very important. Strictly regulated Helps prevent basic processes within the body from being disrupted. Therefore, when you sweat while exercising for a long time, it is important to replenish the electrolytes lost in addition to water.
How to replenish what you lose when you sweat
Water is essential for hydration. That's not surprising.
However, during long workouts (especially if you are increasing the intensity), drink these beverages: Beach Body Performance Hydrate Both can help supplement body fluids and electrolytes Helps you maintain higher levels of performance.*
That's because electrolytes play an important role in hydration drinks by helping your body absorb water more effectively and maintain optimal fluid balance, along with all their other roles. Adding Beachbody Performance Hydrate to your water bottle will help you hydrate more efficiently by replenishing electrolytes.
“Electrolytes help: osmotic pressure This means it is easier for the body to absorb water,” explains Falcone. With its focus on osmosis, Beachbody Performance Hydrate is more beneficial for hydration than water alone.
To maintain ideal electrolyte balance: Beach Body Performance Hydrate Formulated with a scientifically-backed combination of electrolytes and carbohydrates to optimize hydration, improve endurance and promote muscle recovery.*
“Carbohydrate-electrolyte drinks have been proven in clinical studies to support endurance,” says Falcone. “carbohydrate “It fuels working muscles, and electrolytes support many body processes necessary for exercise.”
To get the most out of it Beach Body Performance HydrateIt's best to drink it during or after exercise. Mix one serving with 8 ounces of water after every 30 minutes of exercise to maintain fluid balance and support performance.*
* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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