Battlestar Galactica's most sexy costume to celebrate Rocks final fan project

as if Chris Snellgrove | Published

Battletsar galactica controversy

Ronald D. Moore, the uniform is cunning Battlestar Galactica Reboot isn't a show that's mostly remembered for sci-fi fashion. There was one big exception: the slim red dress worn by Sultry Ceylons, known as the Six Only. A full-scale replica of Barry Armstrong, the Viper starfighter flown in the show by pilots like Starbucks, was recently played to perfection by Tricia Helfer.

Armstrong used his Facebook page, Buzz Builds, to provide ongoing updates about the Viper project. This is more than a statistical copy, though that alone is still pretty impressive. But his Viper has lights, sounds and moving parts, and in a series of interesting coincidences (or maybe it's the permission of the Kobold lords?) he's got a video shout-out from Tricia Helfer in red. Clothes burned in the mind Battlestar Galactica Fans around the world.

Understandably, Barry Armstrong has amassed a following on his Facebook page…at the time of writing he has nearly 10,400 followers, allowing them to keep up to date with the project and engage in some deeply edgy discussions. Armstrong is an Australian military veteran, and on December 21, the page received a post from Navy SEAL Mitchell Bell related to "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon." GalacticaA very hot star. Freddie Joe Farnsworth wrote about how the "Good Marine Brother" worked Tricia Helfer” And this fellow veteran was able to connect Bell with Helfer.

To hear Bell tell it, the actor was "infuriated by your attention to detail" on this incredible project, and that was enough to fire him. He "asked a polite shout out" to Baz, and that led to the video she posted. Instagram. Tricia Helfer gives a "Merry Christmas shoutout to a friend of a friend," referring to the Viper project, before entering the frame in her revealing red dress.

If you know the actress only from her role as a serious and terrible villain Battlestar GalacticaYou'd be surprised how silly the video is. When she first comes into frame, she makes her own cat-like voice. Sci-fi Sound effect. After that, affecting a high-pitched voice, she explains exactly what she's doing on screen: "Number six in front of the Christmas tree!"

After getting nice and silly in her legendary red dress, Tricia Helfer brazenly says she's trying to "fun" herself and mentions Baz by name. In particular, “Baz expressed her hope that Mitch enjoyed the Christmas cheer. As for the rest of the fans, they loved the video for other reasons, with fans on Instagram mostly commenting on how cute Helfer looks and how she still pulls off that spicy little dress.

On the surface, it's easy to see all of this as nothing more than eye candy. After all, seeing both a full-sized replica of the Viper and Tricia Helfer in a red dress would make for one sweet Christmas for all of us. However, this is very constructive for many other reasons, including the fact that it proves just how strong the entire series is. Battlestar Galactica The fandom still exists. Peacock's planned reboot may be more deadly than Starbuck , but it's still good to know there's still plenty of love for the 2003 show that helped make Tricia Helfer famous.

Tricia Helfer

Talking about that actress, it is impossible to watch all these without knowing what a beautiful and talented actress she really is. Tricia Helfer didn't have to react, much less dust off her red dress and make our heads explode. More than two decades from Ronald D. Moore Battlestar Galactica At the premiere, Helfer made sure she still has an incredible amount of respect for the passionate fans who helped put the show on the map.

The only downside to all of this is that Barry Armstrong is making us question our lazy holidays. It looks like we've done nothing more than put our faces up and watch the DVR, and here's this guy building life-size replicas that would put many Hollywood props to shame. But now, we may have the greatest motivation to do something meaningful in life: knowledge, if it's good, Tricia Helfer Lust video Just for us.

So we all say. Or, in the spirit of the times, we all say ho, ho, ho.

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