I was first exposed to Bo Burnham's comedy when I stumbled across a 2013 Netflix special. What.And after the first viewing I had mixed feelings about it. I vividly remember turning to my husband and saying, "This kid has a lot of talent, and he's funny, but he won't come out with anything profound until life beats him up a bit." I was surprised when the lockdowns of the COVID-19 pandemic forced the world-weary and isolated Bo Burnham to produce what I consider to be his best work in this article: 2021's. Bo Burnham: In.
While I've always been a fan of Burnham's comedy (ex YouTube Content) I continued to follow his work from a safe distance, knowing that he was destined for greatness, because of the level of maturity you expect from a young artist, struggling to cope with his meteoric fame. I felt that Bo Burnham was a raw nerve waiting for the right stimulus (or lack thereof) to push him into dark territory. in It explores claustrophobically, and I was right.
I also felt a great deal of guilt for being happy that my prophecy had come true because it meant that a real man would have to fight his personal demons in order to diligently create a magnum opus.
Internal configuration

Bo Burnham has always had a complicated relationship with the Internet, his audience, his parasocial relationships, his creative process, and most of all, himself. Bo Burnham: In Fearlessly addressing all these uncertainties, forcing the audience to feel the same discomfort, eventually led him to stay away from comedy after the release of his film in 2016. Be happy Special.
Picking up where Be happy remained Bo Burnham: In As he wraps up his special, he takes us back to his sheltered guest house, but this time he's ready to start performing again. As the title suggests, it's trapped inside, the only problem being that there's no room to work.
Low-light but high concept

Set in a guesthouse fully stocked with cameras, laptops, lighting fixtures and an unimaginable amount of existential risk; Bo Burnham: in It is not traditional Funny specialInstead, it's an unrelenting exploration of the creative process, perfectionism, dark fame, self-imposed (and government-mandated) isolation, and Jeff Bezos that makes you want to clap your hands.
Underneath the scary catchy tunes Bo Burnham: InThe inner workings of a madman are revealed in Burnham's colorful songs about FaceTiming with his mother, sexting with his girlfriend because our communication devices are replacing physical relationships, profiting from the mass media addicted to the Internet, and like us a society more connected than ever, but more isolated than ever.
It comes full-circle

Between each skit, song and existing survey found in the inBo Burnham pulls back the curtain on the behind-the-scenes process. After nailing down what he thinks is a perfect performance, there are several moving transitions, with Burnham sitting alone in front of his computer, checking his own work, before saying "one more" and preparing to re-record the entire bit from scratch. . As the weeks turn into months, Burnham's hair and beard grow to impossibly long lengths, telling the audience that he's getting a cropped haircut.
Any fan of Bo Burnham will tell you that they know the back story that led to his creation inBut that doesn't stop the now 30-year-old comedian from breaking into his most confessional composition, "All Eyes On Me."
During his last tour, Burnham was suffering severe panic attacks on stage, lowering his voice several octaves and raising his voice to capture the full extent of his anxiety as he sang over a synth dirge. Saying he's worked on his mental health during his five-year absence, he looked into the camera and said, "A funny thing happened..." as he prepared to put himself out there again.
It's all small.

To fully enjoy Bo Burnham: In You have to admit that the special is completely scripted and carefully planned down to the smallest details. While there's no doubt in my mind that Burnham has spent more time alone than he has to put together this particular thing that surely comes from his dark imagination, he's still playing his stage persona in a fictional and fictional way.
If you want to take an in-depth look at the creative process in the hands of a perfectionist. Bo Burnham: In The next comedy they line up on Netflix should be special. And if you don't believe me, this is all an act which is in Exitsas well Streaming It's the perfect companion piece to tell you "everything's going to be okay" on Netflix.
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