This article contains spoilers For "Captain America: Brave New World".
"Captain America: A brave new world" may have been the first player of Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) as Captain America in Marvel's Chinese universe, but also felt terribly as a continuation of the 2008 "incredible congestion". It is strange that it is strange different from the otherwise interconnected MCU feels different, not appropriate, and in many ways it has left behind for years. Even his titular character was reworked as Moody, Scaling Hulk at Edward Norton was abandoned For the alternative alternative to Mark Rufalo, Jumi Awengers.
The fourth film "Captain America" overturned the script by integrating the first adventure to save the world of Sam as a capture in the sequel to multiple stories that are directly linked to that second MCC film. However, despite his homes and relationships, Rufalo's Hulk has never appeared. Why? Director "Brave New World", Jululius NLA, recently explained the failure of M -Green in an interview with The playlistExplaining:
"Well, I think at the end of the day, and I'm happy to land where it happened - this is Sam's story. This is Sam's first Chinese adventure like Captain America. The conversation.
In other words: "Captain America: A brave new world" may have brought a few loose ends of "Incredible Hulk", but did not feel the need to steal the show with a direct look from the other man.
What other MCU crossovers are in Captain America: the brave new world?
Okay, so Rufalo did not hit any feathers with a return to the "Brave New World", but there were many other feedbacks and arrival that brought the larger interconnected story to life, and three of these came directly from the "incredible Hulk". The red -color elephant in the room is the return of Tadeus "Thunderbolt" Ross as president of the United States. With a mustache-less Harrison Ford took over as Ross from The deceased William Hurt (This makes two main "amazing Hulk Stars" that are processed), Ross plays a central role in the plot of fourth film Captain America ... Even if Its involvement creates as many questions that answer.
It goes double for Samuel Sterns, playing once again by Tim Blake Nelson. Nelson's image was set aside in the "incredible Hulk" and left in ethners for more than a decade and a half before resurrected as Too smart villain in "Brave New World". He even appears during the final credit scene to make some worrying remarks on future MCC threats. Ross and Banner's Daughterian and Lovebodian interest, Betty Ross also made a quick look, with Liv Tyler repeating the role.
Outside the veterans of "Incredible Hulk", Sebastian Stan's Bucky Burns also appeared for heart warming and a funny scene-clearly set the scene for his impending return to "Thunderbolt*". The result of these more delicious past integration in MCU is a fun, relatively independent film "Captain America" that connects to other MCU properties, without allowing these IP to overshadow Sam Wilson's first exit as a hat. However, the real question is whether Wilson and Banner will cross the tracks at some point. Maybe in Avengers' upcoming movie? Then again, they are already overcrowded.
"Captain America: A brave new world" now plays in cinemas.
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