The girlfriend's body was found in the mother's bedroom

Robert HendrixFlorida had a man, arrested and charged his mother after his girlfriend's body was found in his bedroom.

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More details Florida man's mother found his girlfriend's body in his bedroom

According to FolkWhen a woman's Hendrix's mother arrived at her house, it came on October 9, 2024 to take shelter in front of the arrival of Milton Hurricane. The next day, after passing the storm, Robert Hendrix left the location to go to the store.

While he was outside, his mother found his girlfriend's body, Kristin Carrierin the main room. For each output, the carrier's body was found wrapped in a tarp.

Then the mother reported Hendrix sister and when he arrived home, they both confronted him. In response, Hendrix became "animated", and his mother finally put the police.

More details about Robert Hendrix charges

For each output, several blood models were found in the walls of Robert Hendrix's house and floor wall and flooring. He also recovered the bat and knife from the scenario.

For Press release From the Jacksonville Sheriff office, the carrier died "wounds of guns and blow". In addition, the police arrested Hendrix on February 19. Per FolkInitially, "having a felony with a firearm property and controlled substance" had nothing to do with it. "

Since then, Robert Hendrix has "linked to the death of the second degree and the death of the carrier". He still needs to be included.

Per Law and crimeHuman is expected to appear in court on March 12.

A Florida woman has also made titles for the alleged actions that his boyfriend

Robert Hendrix is ​​not a single Floridian for alleged actions against partners or former partners. So Shadow room In advance, the Lathorry Collins called Florida woman was arrested on February 15th. Collins captured his ex-boyfriend sometime with his head and saw him with another female with a car.

After all, Collins approached the vehicle by driving his ex and he shot his female traveler in his head.

Related: Say what? Florida woman charged after the former boyfriend and her female traveler was shot

What do you think of the bedroom?

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