Maybe, as the first movie "Okeroker" said so eloquent, we really are All clowns. Despite being one of the most important sequels in recent comic book history, "Okeroker: Foley à deux" pleased a lot and nobody Continue to become one of the most resistant critical and financial apostles since 2024. The title with French was strange and excluded, the choice of director Todd Phillips to turn the tricky crime thriller into Ukeboboboboboments, left general audiences ("norms", as we call them with Ection's) to scratch their heads, and even ingenious casting. Charlie Quinn Lee Quinzel failed to pay off when he got a confusing lack of screen time. Basically, very little of this wrong movie actually worked - and with Vilatin Vilatic as CEO of Warner Bros., David Zaglav, who runs the showIt was just a matter of time before they started rolling their heads.
This is exactly what happened shortly after the initial time of the immediate vicinity of "Okeroker: Foley à Deux", according to new details released by Bloomberg. The insincere objection was apparently encountered behind closed doors with co -chairs of the Warner Bros.. (When it was made for Bloomberg's comment, whatever it was worth, the SB representative was quoted, as the meeting is simply "direct" postmortem Joker 2 "and a constructive chat on the slate.")
In itself, the heads of studio holding film directors responsible for high -profile bombs is nothing new ... or even all that unusual. In this case, however, the context of this situation makes it particularly noticeable. Here's why this can cause problems for Warner Bros.. The whole movie sheet in 2025 and beyond.
Okerocher 2 is a symptom of a larger problem in Warner Bros..
In a vacuum, it is certainly commendable to a more pistol-glossy studio like Warner Bros.. But in reality, the handling of "Okeroker: Foley à Deux" and several other WB films that come up with a few questions. For one thing, it is worth noting that David Zalav is probably the worst possible messenger on the subject. After all, it's easy to imagine a profit -oriented and almost obsessive profit, which is the first to call for the jobs of the people they had Failed Take into account a billion -dollar hit movie comics. Now that so badly descends and Ended that cost the studio so much moneyIt is terribly convenient to use the 20/20 vision for retrospective to blame others for the financial chaos that happened under his watch.
However, more, this gossip meeting can have even greater consequences for Warner Bros.. The upcoming sheet of movies. Bloomberg's article shapes this as a referendum for both Michael de Luka and Pamela Abdi, the creative and business minds most involved (and those with the most loss) in this production and a few more in the coming months. Buck eventually stops with Zadav, of course, but De Luka and Abdi titled the trend of lecturing incredibly overwhelming budgets to the established directors. Although it should hardly be a cause for concern among film fans, even creatives themselves (As director "Okeroker" Todd Phillips has stated in the past), can be very well split for a series of WB films in the coming months. "Mickey 17" by Bong Oonun-ho, "One battle after another" by Paul Thomas Anderson, "Sins" by Ryan Koggler and Especially blockbuster on the racing blockbuster on the Josephosphe Kosini F1 budget Everyone pose serious risks in the box office just waiting to bombard - not because Greenlight's mistakes were in the first place, but simply because of their reported budgets.
Should the worst expectations appear, whether Zadav will think twice before opening his doors to the original projects of visionary directors? Do De Luka and Abdi are fighting for their positions? Will I ever stop asking rhetorical questions? Although I cannot promise any solutions for the last, readers would be well advised to pay attention to how the rest of 2025 let go of seeing how the sb is appreciated.
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