The real reason Christopher Nolan did not direct a movie by Jameseims Bond

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The fate of the Jameseim Bond franchise is a bit in the air right now, but one thing we know is certainly that there is a future - and great. Amazon has recently gained full control of the legendary spy series From longtime producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli. This means that the next era of 007 will happen sooner than later. Now, the two biggest questions when it comes to the next movie are to take for Daniel Krag as Bond, and who will be in the director's chair. Well, in a different time schedule, Bond's next director could have been none other than Christopher Nolan. Yes, really.

The director of the "Dark Knight" and "Oppenheimer" has long been on the wish list of many fans to go for the Bond movie. Well, it turns out that he tried to do it something recently. In a recent report of Diversity Displaying the situation with Bond, the exit revealed that Nolan wanted to make a film in the franchise after the release of "Tenet", which would be at the same time with the release of "Not time to die" in 2021, the film that ended the Craig era. Here's exactly what the way out had to say:

Sources say Christopher Nolan has expressed interest in directing a Bond film after the release of Tenet. But Broccoli made it clear that no director would have a final reduction while Bond was under her review.

Nolan is the rare director of a blockbuster who can have things in his own way. This is because he can turn a biopic as an "Oppenheimer" into the winner of the best picture That made nearly $ 1 billion in box office. But Broccoli and Wilson were celebrated Bond's films, which is part of what helped them make them so successful. But their method also meant to give up so much creative control to a given director.

The JamesiMs Bond can finally need Christopher Nolan

It's no secret that Nolan wanted to make a movie "The Jamesesheims Bond" for a long time. On the question of that in 2017, Nolan explained that he had previously met Broccoli and Wilson about 007. "You must need you if you know what I mean. You should need to be reinforced; You need to need you, "said the Oscar winner at the time. While the franchise was going well at the time, things changed. Bond can finally need Nolan.

Amazon almost certainly intends to launch a full universe of projects around the Jamesesheims Bond, but the next film will be clear at the center of the whole endeavor. Monitoring the Craig era is not a small feat, and Amazon should endanger concerns that they will only shamelessly use the desired IP. Hiring a guy like Nolan to deal with the next installment will go a long way to buy goodwill. It will certainly require both sides to make concessions, but Amazon has the resources to do so.

For a moment, Nolan is busy directing his adaptation to Odyssey for UniversalWhat should hit theaters in 2026. But it will take some time to collect the next Bond movie. In terms of time, it would not be difficult to see how it worked out, assuming Amazon shoots for a release date of 2027 or 2028. Assuming Nolan is still interested a few years later, a very intriguing opportunity can be on the horizon. Your move, Effef Bezos.

You can grab the "Jamesesheims Bond" collection of Blu-ray from Amazon.

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