Buffy the Vampire Slayer Starweet Michel Trahtenberg dead at 39

Michelle Trahtenberg, known for his roles in Harriet Spy, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", " And "gossip girl", died at the age of 39, according to a police report shared with Newouper Post. No cause of death has been announced at the moment. The actress recently appeared in a 2021 Gossip Girl Restarting series, playing her role in Georgorjina Sparks from the original show.

The news of Trahtenberg's death comes just weeks after reports of a Series "Buffy" sequel starring Sarah Michel Gellar It came to light. Trachtenberg played the younger sister Zora at Gellar Bufi in the last three seasons of the original show. In 2021, in the midst of an increased wave of toxic workplace and charges of sexual behavior against Bufi creator Ossos Vedon, Trahtenberg announced on Instagram Share her experience by harassing a set, revealing that there was a "rule" during production that Vedon could not be alone in a room with it.

Report by ABC News He claims that police found Trahtenberg "dead on Wednesday in a Newoufor apartment near Columbus Circle" and that police do not believe there is something suspicious of the actress' death. Our thoughts are with Trahtenberg's friends and family at this time.

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