Love is Blind's Lauren its past hookup (Exclu

Love is blind Fans are shouting "justice for Lauren" on their TVs - and Season 8 stars Lauren O'Brien Listen to the call.

"I've said more than once I am very annoying for reality TV," said a 31 -year -old former teacher Our weekly AExclusive interview With a smile "Dave and my story are very relative - lots of women probably see themselves in this situation, 'I gave someone the date I didn't trust me or did not hear the words or shame me for sex before.' I think there are so many women who see themselves in that scene. ”

Netflix Reality Show's current season, Lauren got involved Dave BetenbergA 33 year old who works in treatment sales, in pods.

"Pods Of course one of those experiences that you do not go through it yourself don't really mean, "Lauren explained. '' I remember 'how do I explain to my friends and family that I am emotionally involved with someone I am. Getting enough space… how would it sound like 'to my connection? "

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Netflix Dave Betenberg remembers good times with love in the former drama of blind fiance Lauren Obrien. "33 -year -old Dave on Instagram Friday 21 February, before jokingly added," I definitely mean the truth! "Dave uploaded several shows with them (…) to 31, Lauren

There was double "very serious, difficult conversation" and arranged "lots of fun together."

"There are various conversations that we were encouraged to stay and think because it was like this, 'OK, this person will be married. You should have some of these big conversations that will not be on the three dates in your real world. 'And it seemed that we were very together in many different ways, "he said more." Only our past and how we grew up and how we became the same person, but we want to see our futers. It felt very sink Was we felt very ready to do the next step up to the time of Baghdan. "

The main roadblock that the audience saw for Lauren and Dave Was in its connection With MollyThe According to Lauren, however, "Molly Staff" was not bigger than any agreement as it seemed.

“I also had other connections. Looking back is very funny because I was Talking Mason Almost until the end. And then I realized that he had this whole thing Meg And Madison And I was, 'wait, what? We are talking every day, "" He revealed. "It's very interesting to look back and haven't seen any of it. But I think it's a proof of (how) I was involved in my own. For example, I was doing these conversations with the boys and of course you were spending time in the lounge, but many places in my head about these romantic relationships. "

Lauren Molly told her that Dave her "No. 1" in about three or four days of pods.

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Profit is the Blind Season 8 star Dave Betenberg Fighting Lauren O'Brien is fighting with the past circumstances - but does he have the right to be upset? "I think everyone's situation is different," Vanessa Lachi told us the weekly during an interview with her Kohost and husband Nick Lachi (…)

"I remember, 'I really liked Dave, but he was not my only guy.' He didn't even have my first number so it really did not click on me, "he explained that when he heard that Dave was calling his No. 1. "We have been allowed to have multiple connections, (however) you call someone ranking, for example, what is the purpose of my stay here? Like, I can go, please let me get free. It was interesting to look back and (see) I was one of the way to the connection of him and Molly - I wasn't sitting there comparing our two connections. I didn't have the time or the emotional ability to do it, but you are watching me jumping up with it. It was a solid 24 hour because I had to hear from Molly and then Dave and I had no date until the next day. And I remember really torn, 'Do I talk to Molly about this? What is the best approach? "" "

Lauren and Molly finished speaking, and made a friendship, but he first kept his relationship with Dave. "I was fighting internally and I remember," Dave is the person with whom I am, so he is the one who is. "He said.

From there, five appointed couples left for Honduras. And when the audience jumped on to the apparent fixation about whether one of the two men had sex, Lauren actually liked Dave "how he spoke to his mind", even reveal that he even told his male casters "Where is his head I am not asking for that. "

When they got back to their phones and began to receive messages from friends about Dave Loren's pre-show hookup, it was not a long smooth ferry for things that could move around.

"He got these messages right now, now but he didn't really tell me that in this group chats and in that conversation it was like a few days of back, such a vocal voice," he said OursThe "I didn't know that it was the beginning of the fought internally."

However, it was quickly cleaned that Dave was settled the situation.

"I will not consider it the situation because it is the situation if it is, 'Oh, we don't want to be together don't want to be together?' And as we didn't have that conversation, "Lauren explained Ours Now-Famous. "Another guy." He continued: "He knew that the time we were talking about was my conversation with casting. And I think of him, 'We don't need to take it very seriously.' We were friends with convenience. "

When he was talking to Dave, Lauren knew that it was going to be ruthless to recover when the show was finally aired.

“My salty is watching this show. For example, my whole sexual history would be aired for national television - it was embarrassing for me, "he said." It was the whole other thing that I was not fully ready. "

There are still several episodes in the series, fans were basically in favor of him - something that Lauren did not predict.

"I was so torn with who I really was. I knew my truth and I also tried to understand Dave's view of "he explained." You can see that many reasons I give him a lot of favor. But I was in my head (that) I was like this, 'I morally looked at this Wrong and I'm not just watching it? ' And it is very comfortable to be like the earth, 'No, you made no mistake.' This is not a reflection of my inability to navigate a serious relationship I think it gives me more achievement that I can navigate to the relationships. "

Related: 'Love is Blind' tried to explain the host Nick and Venessa Lachi Dave

It didn't take too long to identify more polaring characters in the 8th season of love. The first batch of episodes in the Netflix Dating Series is down Friday, February 14, Dave Bettenberg draws our attention to his Pods pick-up line, "What happened to you?" (Yes, we're becoming serious)) "I think (…)

Ours Later, Lauren asked how he thought that when the roles were turned upside down, he managed the things - and Dave had a former flame (who lived in the same building as them, BTW) that the vessel stirred.

"This is really a good question," he mentioned that he was acknowledging Dave's view of the time. "I was, 'that would suck. If I could see them in our place or even know that these conversations were happening.' I remember I realized why Dave was listening to his people and asking for their opinion. ... Heh is about that person. The verdict he had just met and listening to his friends was just a part of the conversation that I am. ”

On the show, Lauren told Dave that this ex -hookup tailed him when they were moving forward. Asked whether he or Dave had talked to him during the filming, he teased it more at the appropriate time: "We will share more about the communication outside that time."

A topic is clear - Lauren has no interest in giving this "other guy" who has viral on social media to make fake Love is blind Photos, during the day.

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Some love blind fans are asking whether the participants of the season 8 went to the pod dates with pre-planned script. In a scene in the early batch of episodes, Molly Mullani was seen holding his notebook during a date. At a short moment - breaks and extended through tickcock - it appeared (…)

"If you need more proof that I am telling the truth and he's fabricating the story, there is no need to see anymore," he said. "Don't actually look at it because you are not paying more attention to him right now. This is exactly what he wanted to be but I feel like I'm giving my case there. "

Lauren and Dave were one of the five couples that were appointed in 8 seasons Love is blindBut if they put it down the isle it is still TBD. The first nine episodes are currently streaming on Netflix and three new episodes are dropping on Friday, February 28.

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