Dwayne Johnson 'Dear Dog Hobs' is 'Disappointed' than the death

Dwayne Johnson announces the death of Dear Dog Hobs
Dwayne Johnson Santiago Philip/Filmmagic

Dwayne Johnson And his family mourning the loss Their favorite dogHostel

The actor, 52, announced the heartbroken news Through Instagram Tuesday, February 25, in addition to a carosenell of late Poch photos and videos.

Johnson started, "Rip 1 Hobbs,". "I am upset for this loss, but he is so grateful to our whole family for the ounce of pure love and we are so grateful that he did not enjoy long because he had gone quietly and courageously."

The ex -wrestler went out to explain why he chose the song "What's going on in your world" George Straight To make the post soundtrack.

“Recently, there was a lot that is very big to talk about. Lonely, lonely, I heard all the same, "he wrote." One of my favorite songs was felt right here, because I think what is going on in his new world because I know how it is in me. The spirits are not sure how to work but back back. Come on and once we can get into trouble. "

Dwayne Johnson announces the death of Dear Dog Hobbs 2
Dwayne Johnson with Hobbs. Courtesy of Dwayne Johnson/Instagram

Hobbs was a Well -known image To Johnson's fans, who Track his position Over the years through the actor's social media pages. The Moyna Star French Bulldog was taken as a puppy in 2015 with Brutus, another French pip. Shortly after being taken to their house, Johnson had to be rescued from the sinking after Johnson fell into the pool. (Brutus died that year after eating a poisonous mushroom.)

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Although many super-powered Sidecicks are supported by the Marvel Cinematic Universe stars onscreen, it is about their four-legged companions when the cameras stop the rolling. Chris Evans, who is most well -known in the role of Captain America throughout the franchise, often wanders about his bond with his dog dazzer. "It's a much more embarrassing story (…)

In 2019, Johnson has cast Hobbs - whose name is named after him Faster and fierce Character - in her Faster and fierce Spinf movie, Hobbs and ShThe

"As a @hobesandosh producer, I thought it was a good job to cast my French bulldog in our movie. Napotism Shampotism - "He then made a joke through Instagram." Three years ago, we brought the puppy Hobbs and his baby brother Brutus to our house to be our oven. Sadly, we lost the puppy brutus a few months later. Our heart was broken. But this little Beast Hobbs is about to live his best life every day and I am pretty proud of his acting in our movie. "

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Celebrities are just like ours - they like to wear their Fury friends for Halloween. On the 21st, Miley Cyrus Adar wore a number of puppies in the smiling fast food-them of clothing in 2015. When three of the four dogs were dressed as an ice cream Sunday, a hamburger and a hot (…)

He added "Plus, he dropped a steaming 3 curler 💩 right in the middle of the set 😂🤦🏽 the best big star Faster and fierce The franchise has ever seen and a bad ass sumbich. "

Last year, Johnson brought Hobbs for him GQ Cover Story Photo Shoot, and some snaps appeared alongside him.

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