Why did the young Sheldon pull the controversial story of cheating on George Cooper

Sitkoms want to withdraw from retro. When it comes to keeping the continuity of TV, the only brackets are the boundaries of audience disbelief, and many hit -shows have used our bad memories and willingness to forgive the plot holes in order to expose them and even totally their worlds are renamed. Retconning, the act of creating changes in "retroactive continuity", has been used in countless TV comedies over the years, from "Rosana" to "Friends" to "that show of the 70s". With his seventh season, Young Sheldon entered the Retcon game in a big way, recounting a cynical rule of "Big Bang theory" as a funny and tragic misunderstanding.

In the previous show Sheldon Cooper-Centrick, the character of Jimim Parsons reveals that he always knocked three times on the doors, not by any obsessive-compulsive tendency, but because he was a scar as a child when he entered his father had sex with a woman who was not his mother. "I never talked to my parents about what I saw that day," Sheldon explained, "but since then, I have added extra strokes for people to get their pants." Except, this is not what happened.

From a very early time, it became clear that "Young Sheldon", "Miracle Year"-a single camera retraining series, which focused more on Sheldon's family life and the age tell the story of Sheldon with a softer touch. The show built to the loss of his father, George St. (Lance Barber), and while Parsons Sheldon angrily talked about his father in the future, the younger version of the character played by and Armitage had a different relationship with his father. The show's writers also really seemed to love George, making his inevitable death more bitter than expected.

Young Sheldon has changed some aspects of Sheldon's family life

In trying to correct the pair's relationship, "Young Sheldon" ended in full to reconsider the story of cheating, revealing that Sheldon actually entered his parents in a role mode, but did not realize that his mother (Zoe Perry) pretended to be German Dairy named Helga. Helga did not help George St. Will his wife soon be at home, out of context, forcing Sheldon to spend the rest of his life thinking his father is a cheat. TV -Line confirmed as much In an interview with executive producer and shower Steve Holland, who notes that Sheldon "still thinks he has entered (his father cheating)" until "Big Bang" is rolling around.

Holland explained that the writers' room had spent a lot of time during the series "Throt" "Run Trying to understand how to" recognize a big "big bang" Canon, but it doesn't have to be tied to every joke. " While acknowledging that Sheldon's slope for three consecutive strikes is a "big deal", the Netherlands admitted that at some point during the craftsmanship of Yang Sheldon, a cheating for Georgeorge simply did not feel right. In the end, he says, "he just didn't feel like this was the kind of show where we wanted to deal with too much infidelity."

Sut Georgeorje may have been a cheat, but the alternative is worse

By doing so, the Netherlands also referred to another plot that informed viewers Georgeist not to be fully faithful, when Billy and Bobby's mother, Brenda (Melissa Peterman) will come to George in a bar. "We have mentioned it a bit (with the image of Brenda Sparks), so we talked about a way to close that hole," the EP told TVLin. "Maybe this was something (where) Sheldon is not lying, but he does not possess all the facts."

If Georgeorje was a philander, it would sincerely be less disturbing than the alternative audience remained, in which Sheldon remained angry at his dead father for decades over something he didn't actually do. Holland also recognized the tragedy of that situation, who split the fans when the episode was broadcast. "He thought he had seen his father with another woman and did not do it, and there was sadness that he was carrying it all these years." By the geck jokes and A drama about sexist relationships To the deep, unsolved sadness, it seems that the Sheldon-Stiche has finally grown, only over time to see his young protagonist of His Nobel Prize for the Future.

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