A theory of Seinfeld fans makes the controversial finale the darker

As for the wrong finals in the series, several sitcoms can suit Seinfeld. After nine critically valued seasons, Hit Show NBC Ended with the gang kicked out of jail all year. It may sound dark, but it deteriorates: even before Downer's conclusion, the final is basically an hour directly from the show that destroys its four -man characters. Jerry, Elaine, George and Kramer are all terrible people, the final, and sincerely, we all need to feel bad what we love them.

The final has many defenders, and I are included. We can appreciate as the show suddenly draws us from the gang's point of view, showing us how they meet from the outside. Turn your enthusiasm "ends. There, Larry also sent to jail, except this time, he was kept from a technical condition.

In fact, some fans seem to hate the Seinfeld final so much that they created complex fans' theories to explain it. The most popular theory, as covered by U/Bfitzyc on R/FANTHEORIES SUBREDDIT In the 2019 announcementis that the gang technically never went to jail. Remember how their plane crashed almost at the beginning of the episode, encouraging the chain of events they sent to jail? Well, this user proposes that the plane have never been corrected - it crashed, the gang died, and the rest of the final is to judge and condemn the eternal curse. (Or maybe just one year curse.)

Ok, the theory of the Seinfeld final makes sense

The Reddit user points out that wearing the aircraft does not fit what he starts, and that is Kramer to drag in the cockpit. "Evubor (DOOFUS) that trampled controls and causing it, for an experienced pilot, could be repaired in seconds, especially with a smaller private jet. However, this wore lasting a minute before the aircraft is suddenly straight", "," He wrote bfits.

They pointed out that everything about the trial of the gang for violating the Law on Good Samaritans is meaningless; Not only is it extremely unlikely that they would have been arrested in the first place because of this technical situation, but the idea that they would receive a whole year in prison is absurd. As they elaborate:

"No way no one would get a real prison time in real life in the United States because he laughed at a fat man, no matter how much it means or apathetic. This suggests that prison is a metaphor for some cosmic penalty. I personally lean towards the purgatory (something In which you are stuck, but in the end you can get out of certain conditions) because the judge gives the group a limited one year sentence. Prove worthy or fail and get more punishment. "

Another point in favor of this theory: Many prisons (at least in America) do not put women in the same cells as men. Elaine sharing a cell with the gang only makes sense if they were far removed from the laws of regular society. It is also true that the format of the trial - with the gang forced to respond to their many crimes over the years, no matter how trivial - is quite similar to very popular theories of afterlife. Many religions speculate that the first day of death is a huge trial that decides whether you go up or down.

Bfitsic assumes that the gang can be trapped in "some kind of psychological torture loop" as part of their cosmic punishment. Similar to the characters from the famous Jeanan-Paul Sartre play "Without Exit", the main team of Seinfeld will serve as their troubles.

Theory is terribly familiar about the fans in a good place

Spoilers for "Good place" below.

On the surface, this fate may not look so bad for the Seinfeld gang - they are friends, right? - But there is a big difference between socializing with one of his free will and stuck with them. The stories of the gang can be cut constantly, but in a typical episode, they are usually to do their own things. To put them trapped in the same place all year long, yet? Their easy friendship can fall apart quickly.

It is also worth noting that the time the gang spent together in the show is already enough to make them more miserable. Especially for Elaine, her increasingly insolar group of girlfriends has gradually transformed her from a well -suited, emotionally stable person in Season 1 in a retaliatory, unstable threat of season 9. One video essayist speculated last yearElaine was already in a slightly self-induced torture chamber before the final of the season 9 and had a clear negative effect on her mental health. This is not good for her year of prison/purgatory forward.

It is unclear whether the U/Bfitzyc has bothered the "good place" before announcing the theory, but his idea of ​​what really happened in the Seinfeld Final feels similar to the main premise of that later show. The 2017 NBC's Sitom is basically a demon who thinks the best way to torture sinners is not through traditional physical methods. Instead, he decided to choose four "bad" people, with individuals uniquely designed to drive each other crazy and force them to communicate without the knowledge that they are in hell.

None of the writers involved in the "good place" cited Seinfeld's final as their inspiration, but it is possible that Larry David was deep in their subconscious, not Jeanan-Paul Sartre, who did not want the idea. And though "Good place" was sentimental, optimistic show in the heartSeinfeld was a cynical Astver. The gang in the "good place" can eventually become good friends and better people, but I have zero belief that spending a year in the afterlife will do everything to improve the moral centers of the Seinfeld gang.

The only complication with theory: Prevent your enthusiasm

As some redman in the comments pointed out, a problem with Bjbica's theory is that Larry David's show later "prevented your enthusiasm" will continue to base his seventh season. Around special unification for Seinfeld. In Larry's script for the episode, the gang returned to the Newoufor who live their regular life. There is no hint of something that is happening cosmic here. It seems that their year in prison was nothing more than an unpleasant temporary job and everything returned to normal as soon as they came out.

The obvious counter of this appeal, however, is that it is unclear how much of the "pavement" should be considered a "Seinfeld" canon. All the actors involved can be played alone, for sure, but they are still invented versions for themselves. Their experience and understanding of the Seinfeld finals may reflect us as the real actress and the crew see it.

Some may also say that the finale of the Curb series, which once again treats the Seinfeld final as a direct story of the gang sent to jail, is another point against the theory "They are all dead". However, I would argue with the opposite: Larry is thrown in the same situation as the Seinfeld gang implies another round of cosmic judgment here. Larry may have died on a Georgiadar flight, and the 12th season was a big trial to see if he was going to hell or not. Larry's happy ending means that he was good enough to avoid the sick purgatory who were sentenced to the weak Seinfeld.

Then, again, if the "Curb" finale of Season 5 was something to continue - that's the episode where he was expelled from the sky because he was disturbing - it is likely that Larry avoids hell/purgatory has nothing to do with being a better person . The chances are, the devil just doesn't want to hear it all year.

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