Jamesiames Gun admits that a Marvel character never fits into the Guardian trilogy

Ams Gun and Peter Safran are as busy as they build the new DC universe. On February 21, the DC Studios co-heads opened to some of the latest DCU developments at an exclusive update meeting. /The film was in the panel room, and interesting enough, one of the many things the Gunn revealed was an explosion from his Marvel Universe.

While discussing the possibility of post-credit scenes in the MCC-style in the DCC projects, Gun was attracted to his past experiences. As he explained, first hand revealed that post-credit scenes could be a tough narrative device when writing "Gardaxi Tom 3 Guardians" and realized that he had forced his hand when it comes to a special "guardian" character, Adam Worlock ( Will Pulter). Here's what he had to say about having to insert Warlock into the film after teasing it in A. Post-credit scenes of "Guardians of Galaxy Volume 2:"

"Those post-credit scenes, they can be a real nightmare. And I did things in front of where I put in post-credit scenes and wrote "Guardians 3", and I was like, "I wasn't sure if Adam Warlock should be in it, but I f ****** I promised people. 'You know what I mean? And I'm kind of outstanding there. Promises we don't know we can deliver. "

Adam Warlock was cut from one film "Guardian" and strongly inserted into another

Gun has made his promise to Adam Warlock in one of the post-credit scenes of the Galaxy Tom 2 Guardians, where the ashamed Sovereign leader Aisha (Elizabeth Debiki) creates Warlock to attack the guardians. This is exactly what is happening in the "Guardians Vol. 3 ", but while the character is serious and the pulter is great in the role, he eventually ends up playing a pretty little role as the film focuses on completing the original MCU Guardians.

Gun clearly loves Warlock and weaves it well in the story, but its role is still superficial enough that the director's discovery felt obliged to include and makes sense. Warlock has always been a strange man in the "Guardians" orbuses; He was originally the main character in "Guardians Vol. 2 Before Gun realizes that there are too many characters. (Golden boy was also a little pain to bring to the screen - Creating Adam Warlock's hair was not an easy feat..

Of course, neither Gun nor Safran actually stated that the DCC intends to completely avoid post-credit scenes. Regardless of how they intend to deliver their loads to tell stories, Safran noted that plans for how DCC intends to deal with their comprehensive narrative are good and real in place:

"We know where we headed for a bigger story, and so the Jameseims ensures that those building blocks will be established. And then around that, there is a huge amount of geographical width in terms of what we do. "

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