If you have a snake phobia, you probably need to stay away from the Harry Potter franchise. Every movie has some kind of snake, not just because the main villain has its pet. Snakes are vital to the Harry Potter universe for what we tell us about Harry; In the first book/film, Harry's snake conversation at the zoo serves as our first appropriate view of his powerful forces. When he talks to a snake again in the "Chamber of Secrets", this time in front of the whole school, it causes the beginning of the crisis with Harry's identity.
Harry learns that the opportunity to talk to snakes, Aka Parceltong, is rare even among wizards. Some of the only wizards known to be capable of such a feat are Lord Voldemort and Salazar Simartern, founder of the founder The good house for Slitter. Fortunately, Harry manages to prove that he is not the successor to Salazar at the end of the "Chamber of Secrets", and for the rest of the series his parcels skills are treated as a fun (if nasty) tool, not something to be ashamed of .
So why can Harry talk with snakes? As we learn in the "Chamber of Secrets", Voldemort did not want to attach part of his baby's Harry's soul When he tried to kill him. In addition to accidentally turning Harry into the last horox (something they would only find out in the "death shrines"), Voldemort also gave Harry a gift to Parsyetong. It is just one of many examples of how Voldemort's attempts to kill Harry accidentally makes it stronger.
But on The end of "Death Sanctuary: Part 2," "" Voldemort kills Harry. Or, more precisely, he kills the Harry part of Voldemort's soul. So what then? Can Harry still talk to the snakes afterwards, or will snakes always be a stranger from him from this moment? Books are surprisingly disinterested in this issue, but we can find answers outside the main text.
Official Answer: No, Harry can't speak Parltong anymore
How Posted on PottermoreThe official website for the Harry Potter series established by the author JK. Rowling in 2009, poor Harry can no longer include Parceltong in his resume when applying for Auror. As the page explained:
"Harry is by accident that he was obliged to Voldemort in so many ways, just like Voldemort was tied to snakes. As it turned out. Parcelmouth; An additional bonus on Voldemort's death. "
The movement is a little strange here. "Additional bonus," you say? After removing the unfortunate stigma of the wizard around Parceltong, how can it be a "bonus" to lose the opportunity to talk to snakes? If anything, it sounds extremely useful for someone working in Charlie Weasley's profession (it's Ron's older brother who works with magical animals). And I'm sure Hagrid, who loves animals of all types, wouldn't think he knew Parceetong for a curse.
I think it is depressed that Harry is no longer bilingual, but fortunately the series offers hope that the skill is not lost forever ...
You can learn parseeltongue, kind
Although there seems to be no Duolongo application in the world of magic, there are some hints throughout the series that you should not be of a particular blood line (or have someone's soul to merge your accident) to know Parsyetong. It is technically possible to learn language in the same way as people learn other human languages: through many studies.
We do not see anyone in series, but there is a moment in the "death shrines" that (seemingly by accident) opens this opportunity. This is the scene where Ron explains how he joined the Chamber of Secrets without Harry's help. Ron heard Harry saying the word "open" in Parceltong in the dream and was able to imitate the sound well enough to deceive the gates of the opening.
Some fans thought this was the kind of stupid plot to the conspiracy, as it removed a lot of mysticism about the snake's tongue. The "Chamber of Secrets" treated Parceletong as this magical, inexpressible work, and this moment in the "death shrines" undermines it. However, I am okay with the little contraction here; It implies that the ancient ability to talk to snakes will not die out with Voldemort. If Harry really wants, he can restore the skill with a little study, and anyone else can learn the skill as well if applied. Tragically, the bias of anti-zg in the world of magic indicates that speaking Parsyetong will continue to be a rare skill, but at least there is still some hope that it will not be completely forgotten.
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