The premiere of Season 2 in 1923 continues with the most unknown trend of Yellowltiston

This article contains spoilers For the premiere of season 2 in "1923".

We are just an episode, but the "1923" Season 2 has already set up an intriguing drama about the upcoming episodes. The Dutons are low as Donald Witfield (Timothy Dalton) and Banner Crin (Jererom Flynn) surpass Ante in an attempt to seek their country, worsened by the fact that the wolves and lions are attacking the family's requested property. Elsewhere, the Spencer (Brandon Stackarist) and Alexandra Dutton Mladia (Iaululia Flaffer) are separated in Europe and must find a way to reach Montana on their own, which will not be an easy task. Then again, when life is easy for Dutons?

Despite this season to boast some attractive stories, it is not good. Similar to Season 1, this second installment already includes some unnecessary gross commodities-namely, Witfield and his habit of making sex workers Lindy (Madison Ellis Rogers) and Christie (Kylaine Rice) brutally punish each other for their own entertainment. These scenes were polarized for the first time, and at this point, they do not improve the story. This asks the question: Is the play free of course?

Lindy and Christie's scenes stand out for the wrong reasons for 1923

"1923" is often justified brutally. For example, Scenes for school abuse from indigenous American school They are extremely difficult to watch, but they play a key role in the story of Teona Rainwater (Aminah Nives), while highlighting brutal times in history. However, scenes involving Lindy and Christie's abuse and humiliation have received a lot of criticism, but they still have to continue in the near future, as women are still closed to Donald Witfield when the premiere of Season 2 is over.

That said, Witfield's semen exploitation served their goal for the first time we saw them in season 1. more appropriate The forgotten horror film by Taylor Sheridan, "Vile". As one Redditor Tell them, "(they are) completely pointless. Lazy writing. We saw the same accurate scene in (" Game of Thrones "), except much better written and part of the gradual development of character with a huge payment in the end."

While Yellowlston lost its way to the endAt least the show was not short for ideas and surprises. "1923" is strong, for the most part, but the series would be more interesting if it did not double and triple the worst elements, such as this, and instead found other ways to show Witfield's malicious during his personal time. These scenes may lead to an interesting payment of the story on the line, but for now they seem to leave bad taste in people's mouths.

New episodes of the premiere "1923" on Sunday of Paramount+.

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