Elon Kasturi shared messages after the birth of Ashley St. Claire's son

Elon musk
Elon musk Etienne Laurent/AFP via the Getty Image

Writer Ashley St. Claire D Elon musk Massage him that they later have "to create a team of kids" ChildbirthThe

St. Clare - K Musk The only custody of their accused child - shared social media messages that he claimed was sent by 53 -year -old musk, on Friday, February 21, on the petition of paternity filed on Friday.

Photo of a series of DM Exchange published by ManSt. Claire showed him a massage of "personally" to say "personally" in early February 2025

Kasturi complained that "Hmmm" reacted with the message, then Claire sent an ongoing image to Jim Carrie to recite "Aloat" to recite "Aloat" from the 1992 decade S Ventura: Pet DetectiveThe

"Well, our kids have a troop," it was alleged that Kasturi had complained.

In November 2021, he called St. Claire "Koti" on another set of messages between Kasturi and St. Claire and wrote: "I want to get you back."

St. Clare made a petition for the custody of his child to the New York Supreme Court on Friday, February 26, and said multiple outlets.

In the court filing, St. Claire said that he and Kasturi started a "May or almost romantic relationship of 2021" and alleged that he had given birth to their children in September 2021.

The petition states, "(Kasturi) has met only three (3) times with him and has no involvement in his care and rearing."

PEupalIn a report report on a separate custody application, St. Claire said that "Kasturi" met their son on November 30, about four days after sending you the "knock up" message. He said that the tour lasted 30 minutes and on September 21 and September 22, the other two other masks came more than two months later.

"Ashley St. Claire has filed the petitions and custody appeals to protect his child's best interests," St. Claire's representative Brian Glikich told People.

"He made every effort to cooperate with Mr Mask before taking this step. The statement added that he has no more comments about the content of the application, which speaks for them.

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During the relationship with Justin Wilson, Grims and Shivan Jillis, Elon Mask has welcomed many children for years. The entrepreneur married Wilson on January 27 and the former couple welcomed the son Nevada two years later. The newborn died of sudden infant death syndrome in 10 weeks. This pair went to imagine Vivian (…)

There are more than 12 more familiar children in the musk; He gave birth to six children with his first wife Justin Wilson before he welcomed Three kids including GrrimsThe He also shared three children with Shivan Jillis.

The isolated daughter of the musk, Vivian WilsonIn a ticket video, he complained about his new half-brother on social media.

"Wow, if I had nickel every time I got to know that I have a half-brother-in-law by Reddit, I have two nickels ... which is not too much, it's odd that it happened twice, Okay," Wilson , 20 says in the video, published on February 15.

Kasturi did not respond publicly or commented on St. Claire's claim. A representative for the musk did not respond Our weeklyRequest to comment on the initial case.

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