Is Megyn Kelly to the right in connection with the “Serial Cheaper” Blake I live?

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Megyn Kelly says Blake Lively 'ruined her brand'

Blake Lively in CineMacon 2018
Xavier Collin / Press Agency / Mega

Conservative commentator did not pull any punches on the episode Siriusxm's Megyn Kelly ShowWhere she is quite clear that she supported Justin Baldoni in liquid legal drama.

She didn't hesitate to call a living "serial fraud" and "pretty sh-tty person," noting that "Garing's girlfriend" alum "absolutely ruined his own brand" starting "a fight he can't beat."

"I need to see one of her complaints. In fact, all those I have seen are (Baldoni) hardcore proof in text messages and so on with those terrible quotations," Kelly continued. "Then you see what he actually said wrote. That is very different. "

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Blake Lively has a "secret plan" to take over the movies

Blake Lelzle on SNL 50 / mega

"When I was in the meetings, I was like that, I was here to be an actor and I would have gotten there. I wouldn't find that I need to declare me fulfilled," he explained lively. "And I feel for them, he felt like rugs and you were trying to insert into something we didn't hire you to do."

It was created: "Sometimes I had director, writers, manufacturers who would greet that I could have offered it once, and sometimes I had the people who replaced me, because I was just worried as an actor."

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Megyn Kelly has a sharp answer for Blake Lively 'Secret Plan'

'' Simple Service '' Premiere-NYC with Blake are lively

Kelly did not hesitate to live named for their controversial comments. "She's a serial cheater," Kelly said on her podcast. "It's called a scam. When you pretend you want to do one thing and you will do what you hire you, but all the time you have secrets to do something very, very different that is above your payroll."

"She finally ran into someone who was weak enough and isn't weak enough to stop her. This Justin Baldoni, most people never even heard of him - like, in a series. -Enve glory, never to insert Blake lively, and she bullied him to give her a film in which she made her neckline, "she added.

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In his lawsuit of Baldoni, he claims that two different versions "that end with us" are created. Although his editing was allegedly achieving a larger with a test audience, lively editing was the one used in cinemas. Baldoni claims that lively used different threats to use her version, like threatening to pull the taylor swift song from the trailer And threatening boycott of film tour of the film.

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Blake Lively Clound blamed Justin Baldonija for his bad publicity

Justin Baldons in the end with us prime minister

Kelly also lively criticized that she had to try to blame "two minutes of bad publicity" in Baldonia, saying, "None of that was just because it seems like a pretty sh-tty person."

Liveno is hardly criticized to promote your own hair products, soft drinks and other brands while the film was needed. She also made glib comments like "take your girlfriends, carrying their floral" into the theater, which took a lot with that, because it was subordinated to a serious message on the family in the family.

In response to the background, living and her husband, Ryan Reynoldsallegedly made "Statement of boutiques"If they wanted Baldonia and his production company, Wayfarer Studios, to release, in essence, they take full responsibility for life comments. It is clear that they refused.

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So, is Megyn Kelly to the right of Blake lively?

Blake Lively on 'ends with us' World Prime Minister 6. August 2024. Years

During the podcast, Kelly said, "Amber seems to hear me," referencing to heard a highly published trial 2022. Years. In 2018, he heard, written by OP-ED that describes her experiences as surviving domestic violence. Although she did not mention her former wife, the actor Johnny Depp, he directly sued for defamation and was assigned $ 15 million compensatory and criminal damage.

Baldoni is currently suing for $ 400 million, lively, Ryan Reynolds and their Resolds, tried to destroy their reputation by spreading "roughly decorated, unconfirmed, new and doctorate media. He is also suing New York Times For Klever, claiming that "cherries" and downloaded the "needed context" from the text messages they published to make more strongly for a lively case.

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Now Baldoni has created a website to show allegedly disordered versions of text messages, the public has the opportunity to decide for themselves who tell the truth. As far as I usually disagree with a lot of what Megyn Kelly has to say, she is here. The text messages announced that the holes were knocked in almost all the brightest claims and its acceptance of the "secret plan" to take the movies that threw only more skeptical for their intentions when it decided to file this lawsuit.

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