Christopher RichDebut Good place Brock came up with several consent in his days to play Reba - including a fraudulent joke.
Friday, February 21, during the episode Good place71, made a camo as a rich, mavarick, Which has re -combined him Reba And Melissa Peterman Two decades after they shared the screen in Reba. Rich's debut included several Easter eggs that got "so pleasant" for the Rich visitors.
"I liked that they allowed me to make red calls (Rubber character Bobby) at one point. In the show I told him this, "he said exclusively Ours About Brooke's reference Reba At the hit seatcom. "Often, these little things are great. And Reba (show) has such great follow -up that people will comment on it online. It was very great to work with these two women. They took so good care of me and they were very, very defensive. "
He played a tattoo artist because Rich returned to acting who immediately grabbed Gabi (Peterman) eyes. In Friday's episode there was even a line where Gabi asked Mavarick whether he had a wife whether he could steal her. Significance? Peterman and the rich Had previously played a couple RebaWho Brook joined his wife, Reba (Macenter), after cheating.
When Reba was aired from 20 to 25 2007, the trio was originally followed by a single mother in The Hit Show who had to start after leaving her husband Brook after leaving for her dental hygienist, Barbra Jin (Peterman). Reba Her three kids tried to start a new time during Lalan -Pulan - including her pregnant teenage daughter (Joanna Garcia Swasher) And her boyfriend (Steve Howway)
Macenter, 69, and Peterman, 53, were re -combined as NBC's Costar after two decades Good placeWhich has paved the way for them to be rich and re -assembled with Hawa. Rich Over After a huge stroke he has been away from acting for several years.

“The crew felt like an old Reba set because we had an explosion. They had fun like me and it was really heartbreaking for me. Seemed to be back in a safe place, "Rich shared OursThe “I was really careful. It was a blessing. I would like to go back very badly. "
In fact, the rich already have an idea How can he come backBy adding, "I think that Mavarick should come back because Gabi wants to get a child. I do beautiful baby." The rich Peterman and McINTER don't mind to act in a new character - but the Reba Nostalgia could not be avoided.
“It was like coming from darkness to light. When I got the stroke I didn't leave home at first. I was very embarrassed and scared that the people looked at me, 'God Shobar, what happened to that guy?' But you need to get it and just let it breathe, "he mentioned." It was an interesting thing about how it would look like to be brook's stroke? Melissa had a fun line. He said, 'Well, if Brook and Barbra Jin ever Back to his stroke but it is not so bad he is always on his left hand - the way he liked it. Doer No.

Rich is grateful that he has acted in a show that still has such a permanent impact.
“We started with the intention of doing something real. Basically, it was just a divorce show. They didn't even want Brock to be a regular character. He was just going to attend occasionally. However, I have planned as one who came from a divorced family and divorced, "he said. "I know how it is. There are plenty of ingredients. Obviously, we got it and there are plenty of elements in that broken family. It was very important to show how to navigate in the sea of ​​life for a divorced family today. "
Good place NBC was aired on Friday at 8 pm.
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