Southern hospitality recovery: Fake marriage after fake marriage feels 'stress'

Southern Hospitality Recap Maddi admits that he is feeling stressed from Joe after fake marriage 656
Charles Cycs/Bravo

Smoke Did not legally marry Joe Bradley Las Vegas, but it did not prevent him from calling him "wife" Southern hospitality - with or without its approval.

"This Vegas' marriage was not real, and I think it was Joe," Maddi acknowledged Thursday, February 20, Bravo series.

Maddi revealed that Joe couldn't stop calling him "wife" now that they have now returned to Charleston, which didn't seem to be sitting well with him. “The marriage was for fun. I don't think it was serious, "He said." The holiday is over, but not for Joi. "

Joe and Maddi, Who started dating on April 2024There was a fake ceremony with their friends while in Las Vegas that summer. The wedding was featured Southern hospitality At the beginning of this season - And came to the mother as a surprise.

In the latest episode, the group was reflected in the Sin City Wedding and revealed that Joe was taking it much more seriously than his bride. Amy Sharett Claimed that Joe got "disappointed" on their fake wedding night because she was out with the girls.

"He's like that, 'you just came down to their gamble and left me alone Our wedding night'“Amy reminded her boyfriend, WillThe

Southern hospitality recovery Maddi admits that he is feeling stressed from Joe after fake marriage 658

Joe admits that he had "ready to go home" with Madi after the ceremony and left a romantic night in our honeymoon suit. When his plan failed, he did not respond well.

"I lie down most of the night. How do I sleep on our original wedding night?" He said quietly. Maddi mentioned, "This is not our original wedding night!"

Later in the episode, Maddi informed the garden and lounge boss of his republic Bonapart To say "laughter" about the “promise ceremony”.

Southern Hospitality S Joe and Maddi revealed that they were dating April Vegas Wedding 643

Related: Joe and Maddi have revealed that they have been dating from April

Southern hospitality star Joe Bradley and Maddi Ridge have given a complete breakdown during their relationship before the shotgun wedding in Las Vegas. "I guess we assume that we started to hang around in February," Joe Weekly on 18 December told us the weekly, while promoting 3 seasons of the southern hospitality, which premiere on Thursday, January 2. “I (…)

Joe, in the meantime, told Pal Bradley Carter At the hotdog event that he is on A “one year plan” And he wanted to "offer very soon".

At that time, the couple was dating for four months, but Joe said they seemed to be together for a year. Joe admits, "If she goes on the street (DJ) and I am not with him I love the feeling of bugging."

Maddi had the heart from the heart about the fake marriage and the intensity of Joa with her mother about her relationship.

“I don't think we are really ready to get married. We are not even with each other. I just think my first number priority is now my career to me, "Maddi shared" as much as I love Joe, my freedom is the most important thing to me ""

When Maddi tried to share his feelings with Joey, It did not go as plannedThe After saying Madi, "You are my wife" he revealed that he was looking for a house as an investment.

"What moments do we leave together?" Joe asked. He replied, "I hate this pressure right now. Everything is so great. We're in this honeymoon stage. "

Southern Hospitality Recap Maddi admits that he is feeling stressed from Joe after fake marriage 655
Gonzalo Maroquin/Getty Fig for Windsor

Joe claimed "I am not pressing you", but the situation in their current life was "not lasting forever" and he was disappointed that he was constantly driving in his place and returning his grace back.

Maddi revealed that he was worried about moving soon because of the last relationship with him Trevor stokesWhich was badly finished. He even mentioned that Joi is the person who "gave me a tough time" with the choice of staying with the Trever.

Southern hospitality has itching to leave Charleston of Maddi Ridge but he is on Joe Bradley Board

Related: Southern Htita's Maddi Riz Joa talked about leaving Charleston

Southern hospitality star Maddi Ridge wants to travel the world, but he is considering being in Charleston for boyfriend Joe Bradley. “I went to college (in) Charleston. I've been there for eight years. Sometimes I wish something more, "The Maddi Bravo series was exclusively told us during the 3 -season promotion. He explained" that is why (…)

"Now you are sitting here sitting in the same situation." He reminded him that he was "tearing up" when he was with Trever ".

Joe returned that his "no future with that guy" and she was that she was Compare their relationship Romance to his past.

"I think I just came out to survive with a lover and to get out of the hell and to get out of it. I am very scared that I am about to happen to me again, "Maddi confessed." I don't want to risk it too. It's almost fast for me. "

Southern hospitality Bravo was aired on Thursday at 9am ET.

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