From all the books you have written, is there the one that sets you apart, you have a special nessable? Perhaps not the best -selling, maybe not the one that people wear the most, but the one where you look at your job and you say, "He is my favorite."
I like the "midnight line" from that point of view, it is a problem with opioid addictions, but I wrote it with a huge sympathy from the addict's point of view. And Reacher is not addicted. Achievement does not have to have a huge sympathy for it, but he is a human being and he sees another person in trouble and does not comment at all. So, I felt that the one, it is a kind of one I am proud of, in some way. It was a social issue driven through the action thriller that helped people. After what I heard, many people thought it was useful and many doctors actually wrote, saying, "Thank you for treating him as a human problem, not as a criminal problem."
It also stands out for me because it is one of the few problems that Reacher cannot break the exit. It's one of the few books where, I don't mean to say helpless on Reacher, but he finds himself facing a ruin that can't scale. And it is generally disturbing as a reader to see Reacher cannot fix it.
Yes. A few of the last I have tried to introduce it. The one called "Make Me" where it is basically the dark web-based on things. Achievement understands that he can win the battle, but he cannot win the war. And it is a little disturbing to him and produces a shade. It's not pure cutting. It's not a total victory. Today is a victory, but the problem will continue tomorrow.
You are very public about this, a few years ago you handed over your brother's books and he publishes them, I think, some of them now under his name. And I know you said you want the transition to be smooth. You wanted people to be able to continue smoothly. I wonder, in your opinion, how did the transition pass? Did you notice any difference in the reader's reaction, or do you think it has been working?
The reader's reaction was - it's kind of confirmed theory I had from the beginning, and that was that I had serious discussions with my publishers from the beginning to leave the author's name together. This is for a character, we just have to call it a book with Jackack Rice and not to mention the author because the central thing is the character itself.
So Andrew took over and the reader's reaction was pretty easy. There are always a few cleverly wise dickies who want to highlight that, yes, it's changed. But you get a negative comment on anything. The quantity is How much Negative comments, and there is very little. And I think he worked very well.
The first three episodes of the season 3 "Reacher" are now broadcast in the premiere video.
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