Lisa Rinnna complained to 'Rob' star to run a troll firm to ruin her CUVC business and reputation!

Lisa Rinnna and Lisa Vandarpump

Lisa Rinnna complained to 'Rob' star to run a troll firm to ruin her CUVC business and reputation!

Extra chest How the online trolls recently influenced his business with CUVC - he recently opened his podcast on charges of accusing one of his hateful propaganda against him.

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In addition to her husband, Harry Hamlin73, the Beverly Hill Real Housewives Alamum revealed that the CUVC executives were shocked to see his reactions and acknowledged that Bravo played a major role in the decision to get away from the hit.

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Lisa and Harry claimed were attacked by the CUVC Business Troll

During a recent episode of talking about Lets Not Husband, Extra chest And Harry Online harassment reflects on how CUVC almost lifts their CUVC success.

"It's incredible - the number of trolls created by that show," Harry Dr. "We had a huge business in the cubes that was destroyed by the troll."

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LisaHowever, it is clear that the business was not completely "destroyed" but it was significantly affected.

"They came after us, and we had to do some phone calls and sha*t," he explained.

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Accordingly HarryThe corporate team of the CUVCI never saw nothing like the floods of negative messages " Lisa Obtained, all apparently bound with drama RhorThe

"They were scared," Lisa Admission.

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Rinnna suggested that a former 'Robi' star was behind the star

Then the reality star dropped a bomb - alleged that a particular cast member was responsible for publishing an army of online trolls against him.

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"Remember, there was someone in charge of these trolls, and we had to address it, and we did," Lisa State

Harry Supporting his claim further, "There was someone on the show that had an army of trolls that they expressed to you."

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This couple refrained from naming the accused offender, but the speculation was imagined in their allegations Rhor Devotee

The fan's response that Lisa was driven to leave

Extra chestThe one who starred in the reality series in eight seasons confirmed his departure in January 2021. Now, he is revealing that relentless hatred from the audience played a major role in his decision to leave.

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"Fanbes and where I went because I was no longer there I am the biggest reason. It's not worth it. That's why I came out," he shared.

He, in particular, recalled a worrying number of death threats in his final season.

"If you remember last season, I had several death threats," he said. "It's been too much because I lost my mom, and I was in a great stage of mourning, and it was too much."

Garcel Beauvis

Lisa It was said that despite the reaction, his departure was finally felt like the right action.

“It was very f*caking. I couldn't do it, “he acknowledged.

His time look back at RHOBH

Lisa Has officially announced his departure Rhor In early 2021, people were informed at that time that he was grateful for his time on the show but was ready to move forward.

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"This is the longest thing I have done in my 35 year career and I am grateful to everyone involved in Bravo and everyone involved in the series," he shared. "It's been a fun of eight years run, and I'm interested in what happens to me!"

While Extra chest Since then he has moved away from the franchise, showing his latest claims that the drama is very far away.

Beverly Hills Real Housewives Season 14 Tuesday aired at 8 pm in Bravo.

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