Tom Holland How he has almost denied how to buy his own non -alcohol beer has created a smiling video.
In a video posted by his Instagram Story on Tuesday, February 7, Holland (25) brought the audience to its non -alcoholic beer brand, Berro, on the target.
"So I haven't been in the state for a while," said Holland VideoWhich has been broadcast on other social media platforms. "And I will go to the shelves in the weavers"
After going to two different goals without luck, the Spider -Man The star said he finally got Berro on the third target store.
"Okay, so success! I got something, I bought it, “Holland Store asked to walk through the parking lot.
Holland said, "They will not accept my ID because it is English and I can't prove my age, so a truly beautiful employee, my idea, their ID was scanned," said Holland.
“A kind of irony that I was not allowed to buy my own product. But yes, it looks good. This is exciting, ”he added.
Two years after his own comfortable journey, Holland launched out in October 2024.
"In early 2022, our founder Tom Holland decided to try to dry January. One month turned into a year, and the rest of the history, "read a statement on the brand website.
"In this first year, Tom was looking for something that was not just present: a non-alcoholic beer that looks like a high-class pint in a great taste and fully poured. And so the idea of Biro was born, "the site continues.
Talking Deep night with Seth Meyers Last Fall, Holland said that the brand was created "was a long process."
"It was a very fun process (and) it was, you know, there were lots of tests and errors and I my brothers tried my friends and family. Each one came and we really tried how to create something like that Was that it was proven to beer, ”he said.
"For me, in this journey of ease, the thing I missed the most is that the experience of sharing beer is actually beer itself."
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