Science and common sense about physical exercise – Bionicoldguy

I found Dr. I-Min Lee, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, This video On the "Viva Longevity" channel. She is amongst other things one of the two leading researchers in the well-known women’s health research and is well-provided with science-based advice on health. I found her knowledgeable and enjoyable!

Dr. Li (right)

My favorite anecdote is her discussion with a mentor, legendary figure Dr. Ralph parser. He is an epidemiologist who pioneered the research on the link between physical exercise and health, and is also a serious supermarathoner. When they attend a meeting together, people will ask about his recent running achievements, and he will quote impressive times in a recent event. Sometimes they would turn to her and ask, “What exercise do you do?” She had to answer “Nothing” in an annoying way. She grew up in Malaysia and she described it as very hot and moist, which didn't inspire her to do a lot of physical exercise.

This made her realize that she could work better in her life to give her research results more attention. This makes her a perfect role model for those of us who know we should be healthy, but not necessarily inspired by exercise. Her scientific knowledge allows her to show us the right activities and the right type of health.

I'm glad to hear her confirmation Typical guidelines (Her research contributed) Attempts to get 150 minutes of moderate physical exercise (such as a brisk walk) per week, there are about 90% health benefits. For those who like it, the amount won't cost ten times at most. But the return on earnings only increases slightly after completing the minimum recommended amount. This can be at special meetings, such as 30 minutes a few times a week, or multiple shorter meetings accumulated throughout the week. Therefore, it is also important to work in daily life, such as using stairs instead of elevators, or to stop a little and walk into some walking. Another interesting anecdote she gave is that her department at Harvard University is located on the third floor of the building, and Dr. Lee always walks up the stairs. However, many on her floor used the elevator instead, and if it failed, they wandered around the hall, as if they were unsure what to do.

She introduced an important point to those who like to figure out their own steps, in fact, the famous “10,000 steps” goal is not actually the basis of science. This originated from the marketing of pedometer companies. It can be confirmed from women's health research that the goal of 7500 steps is actually more accurate (of course, if you like it, 10000 is not wrong, but there is no need to get health benefits).

This particular video does not cover strength training for older people, but I'm sure there is a lot of insight in Dr. Lee's research. There is still a lot of information in the book she edits. Epidemiological methods in physical activity research.


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