Morgan Wade Is A prayer sends Sail Teddy melanecamp After the surgery of his brain tumor.
"We're really blessed to have a bunch of people with me here tonight," 30 -year -old Wade said on his Tuesday, Feb 18, in the middle of the concert. “If you don't mind, when you are here tonight, say a prayer for my best friend Teddy Melanecamp. I went to meet him a little while ago. "
Video Kyle Richards'The story of Instagram, Wade explained that the 43 -year -old melanecamp was about a week ago "he had to do emergency surgery in his brain to remove some tumors".
"He will be here tonight," said Wade.

Melancamp News February 12 that he felt "serious and weak headache" for weeks - and the pain became "unbearable", needed hospitalization.
"After a CT scan and MRI, physicians got multiple tumors in my brain, which they believe that it has been increasing for at least 6 months. Two tumors will be removed surgically today. The rest of the small tumors will be dealt with by radiation on the next date, "Melancamp wrote through Instagram at that time." I am blessed by my children, family, friends, doctors, nurses and surgeons who are trying to bring me better health to better health. Thanks to everyone who has reached.
A few hours later, the Melanecamp shared a video through the Instagram story of his friend off his friend. "I would like to see this look on my bucket list," the melanecamp said quietly. "My best look. I hate it to break it with my brother but once I was allowed to wash my hair and it is not all slick, I think I took you to run for your money. I will see you tomorrow and we see you Pub who was the best of it. "
In another Instagram story, the Beverly Hill Real Housewives Alam also revealed that Richards (56) and Wade were prepare for operation - as were his isolated husbands, Edwin AeroyevThe (Melencamp filed for divorce from Aerov - with whom he slate, 12, and dov, 4, and son Cruise, divided in 10 - November 2024.)
Arouv, for its part, there is Have shared several updates The news broke after his war on Melancamp's health.
"Our family is grateful for everyone for your continued prayer and greetings," Written by Instagram on Aeroyev, 47, Monday, February 17. "Teddy is out of gratitude for spreading love while he is healed."
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