Do you have a bundle of parents? JBYB's CARMEL RODRIGUEZ has a “perfectly incomplete” balance.

To juggling, family time, Fitness goal,,, Healthy eating habits,,, Self -managementSocial events can be overwhelming. So how do you Camel Rodriguez - Bring your body Trainer, Fitness Influence, Model, Entrepreneur, and Moms of the two -can you balance the perfect balance?

She is not! And the reason is as follows: Endlessly chasing the unrealistic ideals of “perfect balance” adds unnecessary stress to your life.

CARMEL says, "It is not actually an investment you want to increase the level of stress, including perfect pressure," CARMEL says. Instead, she accepts "unbalanced and perfectly incomplete".

So what does that mean to her? CARMEL says that "perfectly incomplete" means that you will destroy it for a few days. "You can exercise, you can have dinner at the table, hug your children a thousand times, the house is clean and you will be able to relax for a while."

"And the next day, it will all go out of the window." She adds. "And it may be happy because it may not be perfect. But that's the situation of life."

The following is a tip to find your "perfectly incomplete" suite spot.

1. Leave perfection


CARMEL said, “I have worked perfectly in all aspects. There was no such thing, so it failed every time.

Her advice: Abandon the pressure of self -imposition. all. "You want to go and go. It's okay. I need that drive." "But at the same time, you have to understand that we are human and we can't keep doing so."

Carmel said, “We have a fighter in essence, but we have to sit and accept it. The laundry pile can not go anywhere the next day or for two days and will take out tonight. ”CARMEL adds. "Mythological 'balance' is that sometimes we have to abandon things we think that we are too firm."

2. Understand where you are now

If your life is busy, it is normal to regain your calm feels as soon as possible or at least handle everything.

CARMEL said, “As a parent, we want to look like when we are out of the door. But if you do not try to fight the busy speed of your life and simply accept that the present reality is not completely together, the stress may not be reduced.

“When I was overwhelmed, everything was on me, a high stress level, and I was just before panic attack, and I could not cope -I would sit, I would sit, breathe, and breathe. I will accept my situation, ”Carmel says.

"If we find acceptance, a lot of weight will be lifted from the shoulders," she adds.

3. Wake up a few minutes ago

The woman stretches early in the morning | Interview-CARMEL-RODRIGUEZ-PARENT-BURNOUT

If you have difficulty saving time for yourself, set an alarm a little earlier.

CARMEL said, “The best time management strategy is to get up early. "Wake up as early as possible and spend some time in the morning."

You can do A using that time Respiratory movementFollow the household work End the exercise And I sprayed dust before the rest of the house woke up. CARMEL said, “After that, it is over and can last all day.

4. Find a 1 minute work

When you know that you don't have time to complete them, it's hard to get motivated to deal with a lot of time takes. And it means that the work is still piled up.

Therefore, CARMEL is literally a list of things to do for one minute instead of taking entirely or at all approaches. "If you have something you can do in one minute, finish it."

“Just do it right away. Take it out of your head. There is a counter full of dishes, and you can walk after 4-5 and finish 4-5. And you have little accomplishment all day. ”

5. Please work together


There may be days when you can't pioneer 30 minutes for exercise. But you can still move to your day. Activate family time.

She says that CARMEL's children will use a toy when they are young to create an obstacle course in the yard. Or she used a hill near her son's kindergarten to push two children into the stroller for further challenge.

Now that children are older and participate in competitive sports, Carmel and her husband change practice and games into an active family time.

"My husband and I are going to attend all games with their children," she says. Among the games, they find ways to train together as if they were playing football with their daughters. "My husband will coaches us, and we will train together and become a partner," she says.

6. “Parents' Guilt” Knicks

It is normal to feel that you have to devote away the extra moments in your family. However, if you take time to exercise or cook a healthy meal, the whole family benefits.

CARMEL said, “If I do not function well -height of anxiety, overwhelming, overworked, dissatisfied, unhappy and angry.

While exercising, she gives you a chance to recharge Stress relief. “This is my investment in my family. "yes… I draw a picture for children. You will know that you have to spend time. ”

7. Minimize obstacles

Fitness equipment placed | Interview-CARMEL-RODRIGUEZ-PARENT-BURNOUT

CARMEL said, “We need to carve things at the level of logistics. “You have to remove that excuse a lot. And you are often tired, overwhelming and overrun. ”

One of her Favorite hacking: Place sportswear and sneakers next to the bed to make the morning exercise interfere.

CARMEL said, “I will pick it up and pick it up and leave the house. “I will already be planned before turning left or turning right to do other things. I was so systematic because I knew too much. ”

8. Find a big picture motivation

After the second child was born, CARMEL had a repetitive nightmare that children were in danger and could not be saved. It was inspired to be strong enough to be able to switch to superhero mode if she needed.

In recent years, CARMEL motivates to keep it strong, so you can take care of your mother who deals with health problems. "These are the things I'm training now. It's so strong that there's no problem to lift her and take her, and you can catch her if necessary."

Of course, if you motivate you to change your appearance, it's not bad. Carmel said, “I like jeans. I like to catch weapons and abs. "One day that is my motive."

“But if that's your only thing, I guarantee it It won't lastShe adds. So make sure you have More meaningful “why” It can move you through you Less motivation.

"If you have true intentions and overall pictures, she will always be there," she says. "And 'I don't care about what I look like today, but I'm interested in what I can be there for my mom tomorrow." And it will be a real driving. ”

9. Master the mini movement

you It takes only a few minutes to exerciseCARMEL suggests that you already know and love 3-4 exercises you love and repeatedly deploy it until you lack time.

"Keep the whole body as possible and run continuously," she says. "Anyone will do amazing exercise."

One of her favorite movements: you can see it. Bring your body.

"It's fun, fun, you are challenging, but you can move," she says. “You build up your upper body power heart From it, and when you start nailing it, you look bad. It's awesome. ”

10. Take the overall approach

Excessive training Or obsessed with all calories can lead to serious stress. Therefore, if you help children build healthy habits, CARMEL takes a more overall approach.

For example, instead of creating a strict rules of what should not be eaten or eaten, she focuses on the building. The habit of eating.

"We are eating by chance, sitting, time to take time, and not overeating," she says. "We are enjoying it, and we have energy to do what we want to do all day with the food we ate."

11. Cut the slack

Carmel Rodriguez Point Student | Interview-CARMEL-RODRIGUEZ-PARENT-BURNOUT

“Book your exercise for three days a week. It's as important as morning coffee or smoothies. ”CARMEL says. “But give me time to live in a lifestyle and everyday life. If you try to achieve a fitness goal overnight and try to juggling your dependents and life, you will overwhelm you overwhelming and unnecessary stress and execution failure. ”

She adds, "I'm devoted, but with love and intentions as an investment in myself and my family." "This is the way someone should stick to it."

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