Cassy and husband Alex Fine's relationship period

Cassy And Alex is better The knot had been tied for less than a year after their romance was public - and they have been getting stronger since then.

“I felt really comfortable during the ceremony," the singer, whose real name is Casandra Venchura, said Enjoyment In October 2019, in the naptiols.

Cassy and good Welcomed their first babyDaughter Frankie, two months after their marriage. Their second daughter Sunny was born in March 2021.

Continue scrolling to watch Cassy and Fine's love story for years:

December 2018

Cassy and husband Alex Fine's relationship period
Courtesy of Alex Fine/Instagram
Cassie shared an Instagram photo of their kiss and fined her romance with a fine. The upload came from two months after the cassie split from ex -boyfriend Shawn "DD" Combs Over 11 years and after off -dating. Cassy Went to Didi In November 2021, the rapper began to have a type of control and abuse after meeting in 20.

"After years of silence and darkness, he said in a statement," I finally talk to my story and to convenience the convenience of other women who face violence and torture in their own relationships and their relationships. "

DD strictly denied the allegations.

"Mr. COMBS sharply denies this offensive and abusive allegations. Over the past six months, Mrs. Cambs threatens to write a harmful book about their relationship with Mrs. Ventura's endless claim $ 30 million, which was obviously rejected as Blackmail, "his lawyer Ben Braffman Said in a statement. "Despite his initial threat, Mrs. Venchura has now taken refuge in filing a case trimmed with Besless and objectionable lies, whose goal is to scandal the fame of Mr. Cambs and sought salary."

Our weekly A day after the case was filed confirmed that Cassy and DD A settlement has reachedThe

June 2019

Cassy and husband Alex Fine's relationship period
Courtesy of Alex Fine/Instagram

Cassy announced that he and Fine were expecting their first child.

"We can't wait to meet the girl's girl 💗 loves you always and forever," he captioned the Instagram snaps in himself and fined in the car.

August 2019

Fine "me and U singer" asked him to marry with a CowboyThe The professional bull driver wore a cowboy hat and rode a horse near Cassy before popping up the question.

Cassy said "When he got down on one knee, everything was closed" Enjoyment Romantic moments on October 2019. "I thought I lost my hearing. I just saw his face moving and he said, 'I want to spend the rest of my life with you.' I would never forget how much Alex felt me ​​that night. "

September 2019

Two months after Baghdan, Cassy and fine There was a house in a home Malibu

"We wanted a simple venue with a beautiful view that was felt warm and romantic," Cassy said. Enjoyment Big days "We wanted aesthetics to reflect how comfortable and content we feel with each other."

December 2019

The pair became parents with the birth of their daughter Franki.

Cassie gave a caption with a carosel of photos of her Instagram on September 2020 and captioned with a fine with their newborn, "I cannot explain the unconditional love and worship for my family." “I wake up every day so grateful and happy to get my own. I will never dignify it and feel honored by being able to experience this kind of love. Was a goal for us to slowly and simply enjoy each other. We don't need too much, all we need is okay here.

December 2020

Cassy announced that he and the fine had another baby in the way.

"Comes soon ...," He then grabbed a 12-month-old Frankie of his baby bump and gave him an Instagram video caption because his hand was finely grabbed.

March 2021

Cassy and husband Alex Fine's relationship period
Courtesy of Casandra Decur/Instagram

The couple expanded their family with the birth of daughter San.

"Welcome to the baby girl in the world! We love you so much sunshine cinco! “Cassie gave the caption of a series of Instagram of his newborn.

March 2023

Cassy and husband Alex Fine's relationship period
Courtesy of Alex Fine/Instagram

Fine calculated his blessings while remembering his 30th birthday via Instagram, which includes "a wife I like (who loves me)" and "two kids that make my heart bigger every time I laugh."

August 2023

Cassy and husband Alex Fine's relationship period
Courtesy of Casandra Decur/Instagram

Cassy paid a sweet tribute for the fine in honor of Twisom's wedding anniversary.

"One day late, but I had to make sure I showed all my love for this man! My husband! Happy fourth anniversary for my best friend. There is no one like you in this world, "the musician gave a photo of the two laughs.

He continued: "You have the biggest heart and funny fun feeling, your curiosity about life still surprises me and every day makes my heart warm. As time goes on, I grow more and more in your love and I don't want it in any other way. Above all, you are just the person who can actually make me laugh until my pants are urinated - which tells a lot. Thank you for the way you love me. I love you so much !! ️ ️ ️ ️ ️ ️. "

May 2024

After sharing DD's resurrected footage in CNN -20 2016, after sharing DD's resurrected footage, fine Wrote an open letter To his wife and family.

"I want my kids and every child to live in a world that is safe for women and girls, protecting them and considered them equal," Writes through Instagram. "You are not alone to women and children, and you have heard. If you need help, call the domestic violence to the hotline (800) 799-7233"

He also said, "Men who hurt women are not men. Men who enable it and protect these people are not men. As male, violence against women should not be inevitable, check your brother, your friends and your family. We should feel protected and love for our daughters, sisters, mothers and wives. Hold on to women with the highest honor in your life. Men who injure women hate women. "

February 2025

Cassy announced She is pregnant With him and Fine's third kid. He confirmed the news with a photo carosal via Instagram that showed him subtlely and pose with their two daughters, with the caption of " #3" snaps.

“I re -posted the same pictures through his own account with the best gift I could seek.

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