Lisa Rinnna is lying about the departure of her 'Robi' at the time of the epic return!

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Lisa Rinnna is lying about the departure of her 'Robi' at the time of the epic return!

Extra chest Continue to wrap the narrative about him Beverly Hill Real Housewives Exit when the dramatic return to the Bravo series.

Extra chest Recently revealed that he was intended to resign from Beverly Hills Real Housewives During his final reunion episode, however, it has finally decided against it. Reality star, who was officially left the franchise immediately after the reunion film, admitted that he now regret not announcing his departure on camera.

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"I have almost resigned in the reunion," Reinner Shared in its new podcast, Let's not talk about husbandThe "I hope to be with me, now I look back at it. I (resigned) at that moment I arrived at home that night. "

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He went to explain further that he initially planned to deliver the news in front of the camera.

"But I was about to do it on the camera," he said. "And I hope I did it. That's what I will do separately. I hope I used to say it right there, like, 'Do you know, guys? It has been a great run for eight years. I'll go now. "" "

Concern about changing his mind

In spite of his view of the departure, despite his feelings, Reinner Acknowledged that he was hesitant because of anxiety that he could guess the decision for the second time. "I wasn't brave enough," he confessed. "I was worried that I could change (my) mind later."

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Eight years after the show, he did not see the reason for staying anymore.

"When you do something like (housewives) for eight years - and it's just bad, it was nothing good about it at the moment - I didn't see the reason to continue," he explained. “My contract was over. And were in time. "

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Although she has gone ahead, Reinner On very specific terms - Bravo has expressed interest in dramatic return in the series.

"I want to go back to*housewives*with two rhinstone F ****** Diamond chains and cut off all their heads," Reinner *Who ******?*Who said in the podcast. "This will be the biggest day of my life ******."

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He didn't stop there. Reinner Particularly the main images behind the show are mentioned if you want to target. "I want to go behind the producers, Bravo chief, Andy F ****** Cohen," he announced. “All of them. Simply turn off all their F ****** heads and dice. That will be f ******* heaven, okay? … (I) Must go back to do this. "

Will he come back?

Although there are some bold ideas for his possible return, Reinner Leave the door open to invite the future - little -. "Maybe," when he asked if he would consider returning.

Delila Bell Hamlin

Reflect on its final year RhorHe admitted that it was hard. "What does not sound pleasant?" He's joke. "It's bizarre," he added about the dynamic of the show. "It's like sports ... and I hope people can make it even more but it's turned into something that is strange to me."

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