Let's reduce the chase: "Captain America: The brave new world" is bad. The story is thin paper, the action is repetitive and too reminiscent of "Captain America" films, and the villain's plot is uninspired. The worst sin that this movie has committed is to be safe and forgotten, There is nothing to say despite many opportunities to be thematic.
The film is followed by Sam Wilson (Anthony Soft) as it is in the middle of an international incident, where it must reveal a plot to launch an international war and reveal the president's secrets before releasing a red monster of the world.
However, there is one aspect of the film that is good: Harrison Ford President Tadeus Ross. Despite Trailers are already spoiling the big, red, hustle surprise of the movieIt does not diminish the fact that Ross is a complex and interesting character, the transformation of the Red Hulk is exciting, and his combat scenes are well done, while all this relies on Harrison Ford's performance.
Ford, of course, is already doing the best thing in TV's career in "Redemption", but that is his performance in Captain America: the brave new world "which is the biggest reminder of Ford's status as an appropriate, original, sincere movie Starvist. He is not only the best reason for watching this movie, but Marvel needs more than him.
Harrison Ford is in command when Ross is on the screen
The moment Ross walks around Harrison Ford on the movie screen, he immediately orders the whole thing. He is not here to be a funny cameo or guest starvet with guests, but to deliver a movie show with a starvet with enough presence to take the whole movie.
Chinese Universe Marvel has always attracted famous and famous actors, but in recent years, we have seen them mostly used for or funny Kmeos, post-credit scene surprises that have never been missed (Remember Charlize Theron in the second "Doctor Strange?"), or the occasional villain. Think about Russell Crowe in "Thor: Loveubov and GROM", Bill Murray in Ant-man and Osa: Quantania, "Akeejk Gyllenhal in Spiderman: Far from Home", or Kate Blanchett in "Thor: Ragnarok". However, even when we have A-list actors as villains, as in the case of Blanchett, there is still a level of camp and tone of the language in the cheek that they give their performances.
It's not Harrison Ford. He is not here to play a sarcastic character, or to wink and smile at his enemies. Ross is just as great nonsense as you are in the Marvel Universe, and Ford gives the role of amazing gravitates and when the role becomes stupid. Indeed, Ford is a dramatic anchor of "Captain America: The Brave New World", the person who maintains the ground even how the film suffocates. In a way, he is a human actor in a movie in Mupet.
Will Ross play a role in the future of MCU?
Will Harrison Ford return to MCU? Probably not. As much as it is Ford made a terrible character great for onceIt seems that Ford is very interested in pulling Jackman to Hugh and playing the same character until he is 90 years old (well, at least not This Character ... he approached Indiana Onesons). On top of that, there is the fact that "Captain America: The brave new world" ends without a very definite bastard for Ross to come back because he finishes his part in the film quite definitely in the raft, a floating prison.
Of course, the "secret wars" of it can easily change things, and two jams are better than one (well, technically three, as there is a son of Hulk from "Che-Hulk"). However, from now on, there seems to be no easy method or reason for Ford to come back, and after this film, it is very clear that MCU could use Ford, or at least a return to the time the Academy Award- winning actor legends would joined a movie or two. Think about when Effef Bridges was in the first "Ironoal Man" or Hugo Wewing played a red skull, or Robert Redford appeared in the "winter soldier".
MCU seems to be only interested in looking back when it comes to casting for new films, with Doctor Doom plays Robert Downey Runior in the future And Hugh Jackecman is strongly rumored that he will continue to play Logan in MCU. Can former Ford President Tadeus "Thunderbolt" Ross appear in this year's "Thunder*"? We will find out on May 3, 2025.
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