R. Kelly's Camp does not find “SNL” Special accommodation

R. KellyThe legal team must not be after "Saturday night live"He shot the singer embarrassed during his special 50. Star anniversary.

"I believe I can fly" Hitmaker's lawyer is released on a long-lasting show for the muggery of the convicted sex offender.

Currently behind bars for multiple sexual crimes, R. Kelly faced a growing census of allegations, and his reputation is only further with each new request.

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R. Kelly's lawyer Slam "SNL" for "problematic guest" Jab

R. Kelly wrote to reject the retrieved of the Celtenar at the Chicago Federal Prison:

Popular show 50. Anniversary mixes especially the pot with its segment "in memory", where it arose some of its most precious past guests. The list included R. Kelly, Diddy, OJ Simpson, Jared Fogle and Robert Blake, figures who made headlines for all the wrong reasons.

But not everyone found a joke for fun. R. Kellyin's lawyer, Jennifer Bonjean, called "SNL" for what he sees as selective indignation. Until the name names suggested that the penitent personally left out to others who could also be considered problematic. "

Talking TMZBonjean criticized the segment, stating, "Pretty arrogant that SNL sees as his job to decide, cassettes, which should and should not be canceled."

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It is interesting that not all so-called controversial figures are offended. In fact, Estate Estate Oj Simpson allegedly laughed with Komičar John Mulaney's joke about the accused killers who hosted the show.

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'Trapped in CLOSET' Star daughter, ABI noise accused him of sexual abuse

R. Kelly 'nobody lifted his finger' to stop R. Kelly a prison beat, writing the lawyers of the singer

Controversies surrounding Kelly continues to escalate, with his daughter who continues with disgusting allegations about sexual abuse of childhood.

Explosion Reported in October that the noise was shared by its experience in the second episode of the two-piece documentary of the Tvei Streaming Network "," R. Kelly's Karma: daughter. "

She described the alleged incident, who happened when she was eight or nine years old, remembering the vigil of touching him.

"I just remember waking up touching me. And I didn't know what to do, so I just kind of laid down there, and I pretended to spat." He told the noise. He didn't reveal the alleged abuse of his mother Andrea Kelly until she had been ten years in 2009. years.

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ABI noise revealed heart after alleged abuse

The 26-year-old account is not only the alleged incident in detail, but also the next emotional and psychological consequences that have experienced. The noise explained that after the Chamber Andrea, they reported the alleged incident police, filing an appeal under "Jane Doe".

"They couldn't process him because I waited too long. So at that moment in my life I felt like I said something for nothing," she recounted. Alleged abuse was almost broken by her family relationships.

"After I told Mom, I didn't go there anymore; my brother (Robert) and sister (Jaah), we no longer went there," the noise explained. She also admitted, "and yet so far, I'm fighting a lot."

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Confiscation erupts after allegations of daughter of texts

R. Kelly denies the ejection of the new album 'I admit that'

Buku's testimony in the documentary "R. Kelly's Karma: The daughter" set fire to a fire against Kelly on X (earlier Twitter). Viewers who believed that Buku's alleged childhood was sexually abuse expressed his deep sympathy for her and their disgust by his actions.

One person was beating, "I knew. I knew that. I hate she had to go through it." Another commentator, referencing past accusations around Kelly, questioned, "whether the one who escaped when she was 13 years old, what happened to be the year R. Kelly loved his victims?" The other person wrote:

"This is not surprising, but I hate it went through that. It's one thing to pass through sexual abuse period! It's Added at a bunch of sh-t to know that's your own F-cking parent who has done you like a detail realf-cks with the head. Nice to meet you his where it belongs. "

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R. Kellyin's lawyer answers the allegations of his daughter

R. Kelly arrives with the manager of Derrel McDavid on the Criminal Courts of the Cook Country 20. May 2008

In the echo of the noise of the executive allegations against his father, the 58-year-old lawyer, Bonjean, issued a statement that withdrew the claims. The Bonjen Response confirmed Buku's account to report the alleged maternal abuse, but they challenged the charges itself.

The legal representative confirmed that the report is indeed, stating "," Mr. Kelly Vegement denies these allegations. His former wife amounted to the same allegations, and ITwas researched the Illinois Department for Children and Family Services and was unfounded. "

Bonjean also criticized the manufacturers of documentary "R. Kelly's Karma: the daughter's journey", where the noise shared her story. She claimed that "filmmakers," whoever did, did not reach for Mr. Kelly or his team to even allow him to deny these harmful claims. "

From the courtroom to the comedy show, R. Kelly remains a magnet for controversy.

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