Why Chris Columbos did not direct Harry Potter and Askaban prisoner

When the first movie "Harry Potter" was released in 2001, director Chris Columbos, then best known for "Dom Sam alone", presented the word with Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson as Harry Potter, Ron Wesley and Hermiona Granger The world of magic -beloved by the fans of the book series. Well, why Columbus directed the first movie, "Harry Potter and Stone of the Wizard" (or "philosopher stone" if you are out of the United States)Follow it with a "chamber of secrets", and then leave the franchise as a director? Simply put, the boy was Really tired.

In a retrospective with Hollywood reporter In 2021 celebrating 20 years of the Harry Potter film franchise, Columbus explained that both the "wizard stone" and "The Chamber of Secrets" had incredibly difficult shooting schedules. The "wizard stone" lasted 160 days, which is ridiculously long, "Columbos recalls. "And then, as soon as we stopped shooting, we started shooting" Chamber of Secrets ", which was another 160 days. It is approximately 320 days-not counting the second unit-shooting back to the back." Surprisingly, Columbus shared that he "can barely talk" and is "emotionally and physically exhausted" after making both films.

Just to make matters worse, Columbos then had an amazing realization: Harry Potter's recording meant he would be constantly away from his family in important times. "I didn't see my children, who were young at the time, growing up," he said. "I missed evenings with them. I thought: “I can't do six more, seven, eight years of this. My children will grow up and I will never meet them. " He stepped down aside, and a different director took over the next installment, "Harry Potter and the Askaban prisoner" ... Although Columbus held around in limited capacity.

Director of Future Awarded Academy ends with Harry Potter and Askaban prisoner

Alfonso Quarn - who was known for films such as "Y Tu Mamá También" and the film adaptation of "Little Princess" at that moment - came to the boat to direct "Ascaban inmate", and Chris Columbos remained as a producer. "As a producer, I don't have to be there all the time," Columbus explained. "I can be in the room a few hours a day. I can sit down at certain visual effects, but that means I can get home in time for dinner, see my kids going to school. And from the time "Askaban" ended, my family was ready to return to the states.

Today, Kuaron is known for, yes, directing "Askaban Prisoner" - but a few years after that hit theaters, he released his gloomy, yet attractive dystopian film "Children of Men", after those years later with the space drama in 2013 "Gravity, Gravity, Gravity, Gravity, Gravity, Gravity, Gravity, Gravity, Gravity, Gravity, Gravity," What Earn Movie Award in Mexican, Academy of Best Director. In 2018 As for his influence on Harry Potter, however, it is not an underestimation to say that the darker and more stylized tone set by Kuaron continued to set the standard for the rest of the film franchise.

Alfonso Kuaron's darker tone has set a new standard for Harry Potter films - and his new directors

To be fair, Harry Potter's tone automatically darkens the "chamber of secrets", given that in "Askaban Prisoner", you find that a convicted killer named Sirius Black (Gary Oldman) seems to be hunting Harry; The resolution is actually even more intense than that of Real the killer in question. (It will be Peter Petgru, played by Timothy Spal). Then, in Harry Potter and Gable Fire, it seems to be just another year at Hogwarts' witch and magic Although one where someone is, as usual, get Harry -While Robert Pattinson's beautiful champion, Hufflepuf, Cedric Diggori, has not been killed in cold blood from Petgru and Voldemort is soon resuscitated. Things do no Get more light heart from there.

All this is to say that Mike Elluell and David Yates, who took over after Alfonso Qur'an, left the franchise-Elluelle steered "Geblet of Fire" while Yates took over the "line of Phoenix", "Hull-Blew Prince", both of Works of "Death Sanctuary" - had a great tone set for them by Kararin to "Prisoner of Askaban". The award -winning director ensures that the Harry Potter series will become more adults and dark as it took place thanks to his work on "Askaban Prisoner". If you want to see the progression, all films are now streaming the peacock.

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