Why the arrested Starwar Development De Rossi has disappeared from Hollywood

Several actors "arrested development" have become successful since the show ended. People like Jason Batman, Michael Ferra, Will Arnett, Alia Shock, Tony Hale and David Cross have appeared in many roles of varying degrees of success. Essesica Walter further established itself as a sincere legend of comedy Archer before her tragic death in 2021. The person who told the show - a guy called Ron Howard - obviously did good for himself, all the things.

Portion De Rossi, on the other hand, is an exception to the rule. Despite her obvious talent and charisma, surely the funny actress who played the important The main character "Arrested Development" Lindsay Blat-Funke is not what you call the name of a Hollywood household these days. In fact, after the fifth and last season of the show ended in 2019, she didn't really do so much ... When it comes to acting, at least. So why did De Rossi effectively disappear from Hollywood?

Married Ellen DeGeneres

The biggest thing that an ordinary fan is probably knowing about the last years of De Rossi is the events in her personal life, which is understandable, seeing that her partner is even more famous than she is. De Rossi is married to a comedian and host of Show Ellen DeGeneres and was a pretty usual guest of the second "Ellen DeGeneres Show" over the years. The couple married in 2008 and is still together. In an interview with Oprah WinfreyDe Rossi described the beginning of the relationship, which was relatively slow because of their radically different life circumstances:

"It took me three years to tell Tell how I felt about her because I was on ''Ali McBell ' At that time I was not living as an open gay person. I was closed and very, very afraid that if I was talking about being gay, that would be the end of my career. So I didn't have to hang out with the most famous lesbian in the world. "

However, despite her initial reservations, De Rossi eventually decided to reach them. DeGeneres was originally surprised, but it's pretty safe to say that the two soon worked out things. As De Rossi told Oprah:

"I felt this huge relationship with her and I just didn't want to miss it. The loveee has surpassed the fear. "

Age and unwilling publicity prompted De Rossi to give up acting

Porcia De Rossi is unlikely to return to Hollywood in acting capacity and is quite open to being a retired actor. Much of her reasons for leaving the profession were left to light during the May 2018 performance "Ellen DeGeneres show". There, DeGeneres discussed unwanted by her wife of publicity, which she said had actually made De Rossi go beyond Hollywood:

"You're not a big fanboy of making seals and talk -show. She really doesn't. So she actually gave up acting. You decided you didn't want to do anything more with acting and got off to 'Scandal. ''

De Rossi held out and revealed that there was another factor that affected her departure from acting: she felt she was reaching the point where Hollywood would not offer her excellent roles, reflecting often (and, unfortunately, often guaranteed) The actresses who find that roles stop coming - or interesting, however - once they reach a certain age.

"I was approaching 45 and just wondering ... I was wondering if there was anything I could handle now that I never did before, it would be really challenging and different. I knew what the acting would look like for me for me the next 10, 20 years, so I decided to give up and start a business. "

She initially wanted to give up acting before the Development of Season 5 was arrested

Another interesting fact that resulted from the 2018 interview was that the Hollywood departure of De Rossi actually came later than planned. She has already organized her exit from the ABC's political drama "Scandal" (in which she played Elizabeth North) in 2017 when the creator of "Arrested Development" Mitch Hurwitz persuaded her to return for another round of victory, using iousebopy tactics:

"I called Mitch Hurwitz, who is the creator of 'Arrested Development ' And I said, 'If there is a season 5, I won't do it because I gave up acting. And it seemed really understandable and totally got it. We had a great conversation, and then he wrote me in five episodes. I don't know how it happened, but yes, I'm in season 5. "

Given her positive experiences with the show, it is understandable that De Rossi eventually decided to stay in the cast "Arrested Development" Season 5. In an interview for 2010 with Marie ClareShe explained that she cherished Lindsay's role because her acting talent, not her appearance, was at the forefront while filming the show:

"How I looked was so secondary and not important compared to how funny I am or how well I did as an actress in that role. And that's a huge thing ... what you look so unimportant compared to what you think and what you do and Who are you. "

De Rossi started a new art business

The serving of de Rossi was not joking when he said he wanted to focus on new things. In 2018, the former actress launched an artistic print company, the general public. The business model of the company is to work with a curated group of artists whose selected works general public reproduces and sell at a much lower price than personal art tends to connect. In an interview with Magazine Santa BarbaraDe Rossi explained that the business model of the company is to bridge the gap between the posters of cheap art prints and forbidden expensive artwork of a kind, giving the public access to the art of impressive works of art at a relatively low cost.

"There is a huge gap on the market between fine art and decorative art. If you buy an art with a budget, you just end up with black pickups on a piece of paper. People know good art and composition, really, but they" trust their instincts ". And almost the whole Original art is still expensive.

Instead of a flat and texture without a poster printing, De Rossi's general public uses 3D print technology to create so -called blue copies of the artist's list, paying the original author's royalties for each piece sold. The ability to compensate for the original artist well, De Rossi said Haute livingis a key part of her mission.

"We believe the picture is good because it is good. Not because it is rare. In short, I don't want to cut the middle man (GP is a kind of middle man), I want to change the system to use the artist instead of the gallerist ".

She left the United States on the eve of the 2024 presidential election

Although Porjia De Rossi and Ellen DeGeneres remain happy in marriage, their lives have been in some turmoil in recent years. In 2020 This, understandably, took toll on the pair's public visibility, especially since De Rossi was a usual guest on the show.

In 2024, De Rossi took another step away from Hollywood. After Donald Trump won the 2024 presidential election, she and DeGeneres left the United States completely and moved to the Cottswald area in the UK. The move happened on the eve of perhaps the exact entitled "The Last Stall of Ellen" by DeGeneres, where she announced that her special "Ellen Degeneres" Ellen DeGeneres of Ellen: for your approval "would be her last showbiz look.

As such, this announcement and their relocation on the other side of the Atlantic seems to mean that both De Rossi and DeGeneres are now fully retired by the entertainment industry and are pleased to live a relatively quiet life. With her new British life and business investments to keep her busy, don't expect de Rossi to make his big Hollywood comeback any time soon.

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