What happens to Rebecca Ferguson's lady in Duni's books

This post contains spoilers For the series for books "Duna".

In "Duna: Two: Two: Second" by Dennis Vilnev, Lady Essesica (Rebecca Ferguson) undergoes a stunning transformation. As soon as She brings the mysterious water into lifeEssesica uses her status as the new mother-to-honor mother to legitimize Propaganda Bene Gesite of the fate of Quisac Haderach. She throws her son Paul (Timothy Shalamet) as a Messiah figure, which Fremen interprets Lisan al -Gaib on their Messianic prophecies (which, unknown to them, is also part of Bene Gesite's religious propaganda). The transformation of Essesica is a turning point in the sequel to Vilnev, as its one -off intentions of Cinsor turn into fraud and extremism, which she uses as a fuel to help Paul to recapture Arakis.

While Vilnev's "Duna" series has yet to complete Essica's bow in this stunning saga, even This tinted portrait of the screen image only half a picture. Frank Herbert's "Duna" opens with Lady Essesica waking up 15-year-old Paul for the fate trial of Gom Abbar, determining whether he is worthy, and this open passage establishes Essesica's image. During a conversation with Gauss Helen Mohiam, Bene Geserer's mother Reverad, we learn that she went against Bene Gesite's orders to give birth to a daughter with Duke Summer Atrid, and imagined Paul from her will. Even when Mohiam reproaches her, Essesica firmly defends his choice to give birth to gender, although the organization in which it is part does not separate space for individual desires and autonomy. She wants Duke Summer - Jula in the context of Bene Gesite's genetic breeding program - and that's just a matter of time before she chooses to falsify her way.

The version of this scene of Vilnev is a little different, as we are not private for Essesica's thoughts, except for her mother anxiety and fear during the trial. These minor variations are understandable-necessary even as the onesis on the screen a lot For a short time. Given this, let's look at Herbert painting Essesica all over the "Dina" saga.

Essesica's inner world is rich and complex in the books of Duni

The main difference between the book and the film Essesica is that Vilnev shapes them a piece of her actions through doubt and doubt. In the first film "Duna", Duke Summer (Oscar Isaac) asks Esseca if she will protect her son, hinting that her loyalty vary according to her double roles as Paul's mother and priest in Bene Gesite. Later, after the death of the summer, Paul accuses Esessica of conceiving him as a "fan" in his anger and sadness, and seems to be to blame because she can see how much her son's burden weighs. The scene also omits the discovery that Essesica is Baron Harconen's daughter, as this twist is reserved for a more dramatic culmination in the "two part", allowing us to focus only on the complicated dynamics of Paul and Essesica. He humiliates that she burdened him with such a terrible goal, but is also aware that her choices were led by Loveubeub and Instinct.

Heresica of Herbert makes its presence felt in quieter, less dramatic ways, such as when it comes to the logic behind Arakis's palms, even when locals often die due to dehydration. This discussion takes place between Esseca and D -Yue, where the former expresses that such practices (rooted in religious belief) are unnecessary in a place where water is a precious resource. In Vilnev's film, this role is given to gender, as it is more time to use his prospects for Fremen and their customs. Another difference in Herbert's books is that Essesica does not share a controversial relationship with Canie at any time, as she actively encourages her to stay on Paul's side after he married Illian for political reasons. "I love your Canie. I accept it, "Paul tells Paul at one point, because he understands how powerful Loveubov's force is.

In addition, when Essica's daughter, Alia, changes with the water of life in her womb, she accepts the fact that she has to give birth (unstable people with unlocked genetic memory) because Alia is her last relationship by summer. This is not explicitly stated by Herbert, but it is clear that Essesica hopes for hope that Alia will somehow avoid her fate being disgusting, just as She believes in gender is Cold Kwisatz Haderach. Unfortunately, these hopes end up in tragedy.

The fate of Essesica in Duna's children is tragically bitter

After climbing sex on the throne, Essesica fills several administrative roles after Atries' trip to visit their home planet, Caladanfor which she chairs like the Duchess. Deciding alongside Guney Halk, Essesica strengthens the ethos of righteousness in Caladan by causing contrast to GIPI Prime Minister, where Harconnens rules oppression and subordination. We are private to Esseca's emotions as a person who does not fulfill any royal or religious role at this time, as it is portrayed as someone who loves local street traditions on the planet. A key relationship between Essesica and one of the local traditions of Caladan - called an empty man - is ready to drive the "Dina" saga to the most significant climax.

In Vilnev's "second part", Essesica plays a more direct, unusual role during Paul's Ascension in the Messiah, while the book is painting the book as a less involved figure that is helpless in contradiction with its unverified power, but hopes to do the right thing. . When Alia follows at similar rates and declares himself Mahdinat (the modified version of the term freem, mahdi), Essesica completely retreats to Caladan, as he knows thoughts She can do a little to stop such madness. This refusal to intervene comes at a high price: Paul is stabbed to death by Alia and Alia's priests jumping from the window to her death as an attempt to keep autonomy retaining (like She owned her deceased grandfather). Essesica is terrible over the measure, as both of her children succumb to different shades of fanaticism and subsequent tragedy. The cycle continues with her grandchildren, with catastrophic effects.

Essesica returns to the ways of Bene Gesite and trains Faradn Corino (who will later become an exclusive solo , her legacy is a shame and caution.

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