Many things remain on the floor of the cutting room when Warner Bros. began adjusting the Harry Potter books in blockbuster films, the first, of which, of which, the first of which, the first, "Harry Potter and Stone of the Wizard" (or "philosopher" if you do not live in the United States)Hit theaters in November 2001. This was followed by the publication of the "Chamber of Secrets" in 2002, and when the third novel "Askaban Prisoner" was adapted two years later, the book fans were probably excited to learn and a little more about Harry's back story (played by Daniel. Radcliffe in the films) Father, Jamesiyes Potter (played by Adrian Rileylins as an adult in the films), whose death, along with that of his wife and mother of Harry Lily (played by Ericeraldin Somerville as an adult in the films), places the story of Hari movement before the narrative begins. Those fans would be bitterly disappointed, yet!
In the book version of "Prisoner of Askaban", the legend of what the Jameseims and his friends did during their time at the Hogwarts' witches and wizards not only bind directly to the main line of the story - namely the mystery of the doom. Killer Sirius Black (played by Gary Oldman as an adult in films) and his obvious Harry hunt - but also explains one of the most important magical artifacts of the series and He returns to the fifth film, "Order of the Phoenix". Here's what you need to know about the Maraders and their useful map, because the movie "Prisoner of Askaban" Never struggle to explain it at all.
Who were the marauers and how did they form their group?
Ams Potter, Sirius Black, Reims Lupin and Peter Petgru - the last two of which are David Tevlis and Timothy Spal as adults in the Harry Potter film to the fact that they all end up together in Griffindor. There is one problem: Reims is a werewolf and has been bitten as a young boy ever since. So, to attend Hogwarts in the first place, director Albus Dumbledore (Michael Gambon after the first two films, replacing the late Richard Harris), comes with a solution that Reims cling to the abandoned Hogsmoyde building Transformations. (Hogsmade villagers believe the building is haunted by Reims's screams, which keeps them safe.)
Reims, as the older version of the character tells Harry in the books, assumed that his friends would leave when they learned the truth, but instead did something amazing animals as desired. Despite the fact that this is also illegal and Extremely advanced magic, they managed to extract it; Ams became a stagnant, a Sirius dog and a Peter Rat. (For that is the last hint of later.) They Also It created the "Marauder Map", a magical item that eventually comes owned by Harry and acts as a real -time, interactive map of Hogwarts, signed with their codes names: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. Again, Map has been introduced into "Prisoner of Askaban", but the film Never bother to mention That Harry's father created him.
There is also a dark side of the marauers, as Harry reveals when he enters the pens belonging to his potion professor and Marauers Severus Snape's classmate (a feature of Alan Rickman as an adult in the films). As teenagers, the Jameses and Sirius were seriously abused by a young sniper while Reims passively watched and Peter cheered them on; This explains Snape's deep hatred of Harry and gives Harry a very different image of his beloved father. This The scene is included in the fifth film, "Phoenix", despite the fact that if you haven't read the books, you wouldn't understand the importance of this group.
After the Jameses Potter dies, the remaining marauers unite in Harry Potter and the Askaban prisoner
That's not to say that the friendship between the Jameses, Sirius, Reims and Lupin has not been explored in the film version of "Prisoner of Askaban" - that is! Just not omitted in general. Through "Askaban Prisoner", Harry believes that Sirius Black, who escaped from the magical prison of Askaban and is on the run, hunted to kill him after years of closure, but the truth is that Sirius is hunting someone else. As it turns out, Peter Petgru, not Sirius, secretly worked with Voldemort (played by Ralph Fienans as an adult in films) years before and betrayed Harry's parents; Then, Peter killed more than a dozen people with one curse, turned into a rat and disappearing, leaving a finger behind to set Sirius. That's why Sirius avoided Askaban - so he could finally take revenge on Peter, who also seems to be known as a "scaber" ... Five rat belonging to Harry's best friend, Ron Wesley (Rupert Grint).
At the end of "Prisoner of Askaban", Harry, Ron, Hermione (Emma Watson), grilled the rat, Sirius and Reims all end up in the cart to reach the bottom of everything, at which time is Peter revealing his true identity ( frightening all). Again, this scene is in the movie, but none of the characters is referring yearsthat Sirius was not a killer and that Peter was in Hogwarts) or the fact that Three guys in the room created it with Harry's father. Honestly, it is amazing for me that these are left out of the finished film.
Excluding Peter Petgru, Maraders are parental figures for Harry - and he brings their legacy
After "Askaban Prisoner", Harry uses the map of Marader all the time ... almost the same as His precious gown for invisibility. In fact, both magical items usually work in tandem to help Harry use around Hogwarts Castle Uncuted. In the fourth book and film, "Goblet of Fire", Harry is trying to spy on Snape and ends up caught among the master of potion and that year of defense against Dark Arts Professor, Alastor "Crazy Eye", played by Brendan Gleeson (and In addition to noting to note that this is no actually crazy eye; He is actually a mortal masonry mask with a potion of polyuiya). Honestly, Marauder's map can be just one of the best things Harry has in his arsenal; He always relies on it in a pinch, and even after leaving Hogwarts in the "mortal shrines" to download Voldemort once and for all, he hangs on the map only anyway.
Constantly using Marauder's map, Harry holds his father's legacy, the godfather Sirius and the beloved mentor Reims. (I exclude Petgru here because that man is a murderer and, perhaps worse, a pathetic small trend.) In any case, movies absolutely should not have reduced this extremely important plot, and is over frustrating that they did. I hope, The upcoming TV series "Harry Potter" - that may or may not be condemned to condemnation from the beginning - It will remember this incredibly important conspiracy for the Maraders.
The Harry Potter films are currently moving peacock.
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