Bizarre Animated TV -Show of Bruce Willis is an explosion of the past

Gen-Xers probably remember this with clarity, but back in 1987, When actor Bruce Willis rode high in HollywoodHe started, maybe wrong, it branched. He posted a blues record called "Bruno's Return", a concept album consisting mainly of covers that are said to follow the rise and success of a fictional alter-ego named Bruno Radolini. In the Tie-in Special the same year, Willis played the title Bruno in a mockery of the character. Many people bought "Bruno's return" as a pop culture Curio, to ridicule Willis rather than give his music a chance. These days, few remember Bruno, and those who do only for reasons for kitsch.

However, even fewer people will remember Bruno's additional return. Willis, it seems, was not done.

In 1996 The series's premise was fun. The young Bruno, a computer nerve, wanted to go online and affect different identities in his interactions with foreigners. He created the Spion Persona-CGI for himself (the one that simply happens to look like an adult Bruce Willis), who has attracted the attention of the Globe, super-terrorism power of super-Seigreet.

The Globe hired the young Bruno to be an agent of Starwalks, and he communicated with the higher windows through a digital avatar. Only the Agent "Tightened Globe", Arrglsburg (Tony Jayey), knew that Bruno was 11 years old. Bruno began traveling on dangerous spy missions in flight, and quickly became an agent of Starwelles. Fortunately, his skill of video games proved to be an advantage in the work of espionage.

This was very real. He ran for 36 episodes during his only season.

No one remembers the bruno child

Bruno Kid has an attractive assumption for a young viewer. It caught the fantasies of the "secret life" that many children have, allowing Bruno to strengthen their classmates, teachers and family members while he used and indeed, really, really cool things. It was also inserted into the fantasies of the Spyhes Bond, inflicted by Bruno, giving Bruno access to high-tech gadgets and weapons, of course. There was a character similar to Harris, a character played by Mark Hamil.

Few have been talking about "Bruno's child" since his broadcast. Hamil mentioned "Bruno Kid" Onki once in the 1997 Animation Magazine magazine (manually archived on its web site) Just to say that he was "engaged in what they call a" communal player ", which means they could rely on me to secure more than one voice. I was actually hired to play three votes. " Hamil also noted that playing three votes in an animated series is proof that his career in voice is going well; Casting directors finally trusted him enough to play more roles.

Bruno's "Child" is currently available on the Roko channel, of voodooAnd on the plex. Looking at it, you can notice the fat of the animation and the unique designs of characters. "Bruno's Child" was driven by the film Roman, the same production company that overseeshow, not the movie Tarantino) "Family Guy", "The Oblegnes", and many other high quality, animated shows looking at adults. This was not the intermittent side of a celebrity in his free time (see: "Hamerman", "Chuck Norris: Karate Commandos" or a few dozen other animated shows supported by the 80's and "90s" glorges). This was a legitimate show.

Indeed, Willis not only developed the show and played his title, but also sang the thematic song on the show and served as an executive producer. "Bruno's child" was something Willis seemed to believe.

Is Bruno a good kid?

It may be strange to hear the voice of Willis's adults coming out of the children's body, but it is not alien than to hear Willis serve as a voice of the newborn's internal monologue in the hit movie "Looks like he is talking". Also, the animated series "Louis Louis" in 1995 pulled a similar trick with Louis Anderson, expressing its childhood, so the audience imagined it.

The tone of "Bruno Child" is pure 1990. He understands his spy stories seriously, and Bruno is often in mortal danger - "tied to a movable belt and directed to a deadly saw" variety - but humor is fliptable and light. Like many media outlets since the 1990s, it has made the easy, self-conscious entertainment of the genre in which he lives while he is still telling direct stories. Writing "Bruno Child" is stronger than the average price on Saturday morning. Surprisingly, Bruno is a fun character. Willis's star star is occasionally walking in his performance, and Bruno is always drawn with a regular face odor. The child is cool and confident and fun to watch. In addition, however, he is smart. "The child of Bruno" stabbed intelligence over cool, which is appreciated. He did not survive through happiness or miracle, but a real skill.

Also, the accompanying team was impressive. Tim Curry, Ed Asner, Rene Oberjonois, Matt Freier, Zora Lewis and Ed McMahon (!) Listening to them is always a treatment.

Looking back, it can be revealed that "Bruno's child" is ... Good, in fact. Bruce Willis was obsessed with his bruno alter-ego, but seemingly better luck to explore the character as an animated child-print than as a blues musician. "Returning to Bruno" is not very good, but "Bruno's child" is worth looking for.

Bruce Willis Since then he has left show business after diagnosis of aphasiaBut his film Starwar Spark lives, even in small projects.

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