What happens to Paul Atreid in Duna's books?

Frank Herbert's "Duna" is one of the greatest and most influential scientific books of all time. Inspired everything from Hayoo Miyazaki's "Valley of the Valley" to the "Starwells War" and much more.

Although the series "Dune" books is full of fascinating, bizarre, influential ideas, the first book remains a master class in storytelling of a simple story that still contains a wealth of Orebox and building the world. It is a life and omitted universe where you get a sense of history, politics, characters and conspiracies that move independently of the main story. The story of Paul Atreids can also appear simple at first: coming to the age story of a teenager who finds his fate and becoming a leader. For the fans of the film that only saw the messy yet ambitious version of David LynchYou may think that Paul is a pure hero in Campbellian, who avenged his father and liberated the oppressed people in the fight against the wicked Empire.

But it will ignore what distinguishes "Duna" from, say, "Starwell War". Herbert had something else in mind, and when book readers misunderstood the point of Paul's journey, the author used the sequels to double this cautious story of the Messianic figures and populist leaders. Dennis Vilnev has already made great progress in making "Dunne Part two" very clearly a gloomy accusation of Messianic leaders, but that is only after Paul becomes the king that begins the true story of "Duna".

Huge spoilers For "Dune Messiah" and "Duna children" to follow.

The rise of emperor Paul Muaddib

"Dune Messiah" is Frank Herbert A big counter -a -self and the first book: Correction for fans who misunderstood his message and turned Paul into an ideal hero. Indeed, a pretty short book (at least compared to the first "Dina") is more than an extended epilogue than a suitable sequel.

The story has been going on for 12 years in Paul, after his jihad has already brought the deaths of a trillions, extinguishing noble houses and sterilizing entire planets. After suppressing all the rebels and taking control of the whole known universe, Paul began to fulfill the promise of frem in Terforming Arakis, turning the infertile desert into a lush, fertile green place. Of course, many people are angry about this, and Paul faces a large number of plots against him who end up clashing and bringing him to destroy. Here is Bene Geserite (who want genetic control of the house of houses), a distance of distance (bitterly as no longer controlled the spice trade), tleilaxu (who want Paul to depend on them), as well as rack groups within frem tired Paul behaves like an emperor, not a warrior, and even Paul's wife, Princess Irulan (who hates sex to take over her father's throne).

Paul rules mainly by relying on his conscientious abilities, which also show the inevitability of these plots against him. During the attack on Tleilaxu, a bomb detonates into Areen, which blinds Paul, though he continues to see them thanks to his visions of the future. However, the attack begins to interfere with Paul's mind, and he begins to doubt his interpretation of the future, eventually looking for a way to escape the future he has seen. For a long time, Canie has died in childbirth after giving birth to twins, and with Paul's forces. After Paul killed a killer who had a knife for his children, Paul said he could no longer see the future because he failed to predict that Canie would give birth to a boy beside a girl.

Following Fremen's tradition, the blind Paul leaves his sister Alia in charge of Imperium and engages in the deep desert to offer his life to Fai-Hulud, finally avoiding the future he has seen and terrified.

The preacher enters the desert

If the "Dunne Messiah" was a counterargument of Paul Athids' military and political growth, then "Dune's children" is Muadib's religious growth, to the very idea of ​​Lisan al -Gaib and Paul using religion to get the following. The book is all about the uniqueness of fremen as a culture and religion and how closely related to Arakis's ecology.

When Paul entered the desert at the end of the "Dunne Messiah", he not only left his family and his empire - he specifically escaped his conscience. As we see in Denis Vilnev's films, Paul knows that his future brings inexpressible crimes and death. What Dunate's first two films do not show is, however, is that Paul is specifically vision not only for him to oust the emperor and avenges his father, but rather A vision of the future of mankind that his son, summer second, will call the golden road. This vision requires Paul to commit even lesser crimes and oppression, as well as to shed his own humanity to do so. He cannot get himself to become a sandy-hybrid or be alone for thousands of years, so he leaves his mission and chooses to kill himself from Sandworm.

But before he died in the desert, Paul was captured by the hostile tribe of Fremen of Jakurutu and held in captivity, forced to consume spice. This is caused by Paul to discover what will become frustrated in his absence Under the leadership of his sister Alia, as Fremen lost his way, their culture is slowly disappearing because of Arakis's therapy - which even allowed some fremment to live on a surface without portraits.

Helbent to condemn Alia and also his failures like Muadib, Paul comes out of the desert years later, calling himself a preacher.

The death of Paul Muaddib Atriows

The preacher passes most of the "Children of Dunne" fence against Fremen for the road loss, against Alia and her government and Muadib's legacy to extract freem from their traditions and forcing them to be part of the well -known policy of the universe.

In the end, Summer II finds the preacher and learns that he is actually his father Paul. The two talk and discuss the golden road, with Paul complaining that his son shed his humanity to achieve what he couldn't. Summer II asks Paul to do the last thing for him: give one last sermon. And so the preacher returns to Arquein to face Alia (who, by the way, is possessed by the spirit of Baron Harconen) One last time. In the turmoil, the preacher is publicly killed by the people who once worshiped him as Paul Muadib. Alia then jumps from an open window to avoid the influence of the baron. After her death, Summer II took over the throne and soon became God's emperor of Duna.

This is the end of Paul Muaddib Atriows, a man who used ancient superstitions and religious propaganda to climb to power and worshiped millions as a Messiah, who killed trillions to set humanity on the road to avoid stagnation and ruin. If Paul went to the desert he weakened his image as a deity in the eyes of the frem, then the pitcher really woke up to sleep and showed him how ignored what was happening.

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