There are a lot The characters to follow in the magical Harry Potter Universe, but it is impossible to forget Neville Longbotom, the shy and forgotten boy (played in Matthew Lewis's films) that sorts into Griffindor along with Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) . When we first meet Neville both in the book and in the film of "Harry Potter and the Wizard's Stone" (or "philosopher's stone", if you live abroad), he lost the trace of his frog Trevor, and his sweet , Outcoming behavior persists throughout the story. Unfortunately, during Harry Potter and Geblet on fire, "Harry learns something really fatal for Neville's parents ... And the films don't actually involve all the tragic details.
On the surface, Harry and Neville have many similar stories. Both were the only sons of Aurori, and the parents of Harry Lily and Alice, along with the parents of Neville, Frank and Alice, were members of the Phoenix Order, who gathered against Dark Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fienne in the film series) in front of Harry and Harry and Harry Neville was even born. Harry's parents, pretty infamous, were killed by Voldemort when he was just a baby; Neville's parents were alive, but faced a frightening fate when they were tormented by a group of Voldemort supporters and left so mentally damaged that they were never able to recover completely. This fact has been revealed in the films, but the scene in the book "Order of the Phoenix" is actually contained by Frank and Alice ... And that is absolutely fatal.
Neville's parents are alive - but they don't recognize their son
After Arthur Wizli (Mark Williams in the films) was attacked by Voldemort Snake, he ends up at St. Mango Hospital for magical weaknesses and injuries to treatment - and when his family and friends go to visit him, Harry is calling on the attention of famous face. That person is Neville, and he is shocked to see them; As the book reads, "Neville seemed to want to be anywhere in the world, but here. The boring purple light raised his thick face and he did not make eye contact with them. " Neville is accompanied by his grandmother Augusta Longbotom, who educates him in the place of his parents ... but things go very wrong for Neville when Augusta accidentally notes that Neville's father is in the department.
Thanks to Ron's "Gauking", Augusta realizes that Neville's friends do not know about his parents (she has no idea that Harry found out by accident a year), and explains the situation of the group before Neville's mother, Alice to join them unexpectedly. "Neville's mother went down to the department of her night night," the book said. "Her face was now thin and worn out, her eyes folded, and her hair, which turned white, was awkward and dead. Shy movements towards Neville, holding something in an outstretched hand. " It turns out that it is ghosts that the chewing gum is blowing, and the book continues: "His mother moved away, returned the department, humming himself. Neville looked around to others, his expression was defiant, as if daring to laugh, but Harry didn't think he had ever found something less funny in life. "
Neville pockets the chewing gum wrap until his grandmother pays attention, leaving Harry, Hermiona, Ron and Inni absolutely stunned. It is a heart scene and makes Neville's story even more sad.
By the end of the books, Neville becomes a hero
There is one more thing you need to know about the torture of Neville, Frank and Alice Longbotom's parents, that is it They were tormented by specific mortal dishes: Whitetrix Lestrance (Helena Bonham Carter)Bartmius Crouch Runior (David Tennant) and several others, including the husband of the Bellitrix and his brother. Barty Crouch Runior is defeated at the end of the previous installment, "Goblet of Fire", after announcing Hogwarts and Auror Mad-Oko Moody (Brendan Gleeson) for the whole of school year, but in the "Department of Phoenix" The magical prison Askaban along with several other sadistic mortal dishes.
Faced with the prospect of a woman who has plagued their parents who come to find or harm others, Neville, for lack of a better term, levels up. He practices more than anyone else in the vigil group called "Army of Dumbledor" (studying and practicing defensive spells in honor of Hogwarts Director Albus Dumbledor, played by Michael Gambon, despite Hogwart's hateful professor and Dolores Umbridge factory ministryPlayed by Imelda Stownton) and in "Death Sanctuary", its true power becomes clear. Not only does he lead the main student rebellion against death dishes openly leading the Wizard School, but he also Also He continues Dumbledor's army in secret - and when Harry, Ron and Hermione return to the castle to find one of Voldemort's horrors (or a piece of his soul inserted into a magical object), Neville plays a key role in it. After Harry sacrifices himself in Voldemort to destroy the horror that lives in his own soul, Neville, Real Griffindor, is gifted with Griffindor's sword by sorting a hat ... and uses it to kill the Snake of Voldemort Naty, the last . Harry eventually downloads Voldemort, but Neville makes it possible.
Neville Longbomt could be the boy who lived - if it weren't for Voldemort
Harry's parents are quite glorious killed by Voldemort Before the narrative began - but the real Harry Potter fans know that if Voldemort did a small thing differently, Neville could have been "the boy who lived" or even died during the attack on the dark Lord. The prophecy about Harry, for which Voldemort hears only a small part of the gratitude of his dirt spy Severus Snip (the late Alan Rickman), says the child is born to oppose July) and born to parents who have "three times". Both Harry and Neville were born in late July - in fact, Neville, born July 30, is one day older than Harry - and both Longbotomi and Poters escaped fighting with their lives against Voldemort three times.
The part of the prophecy that Voldemort did not hear, however, descended on his choice ... by the dark Lord "marking" him, with he was a prophecied boy, "as his equality." By choosing to attack Harry and the Potter family, Voldemort ensured that Harry became his rival and did not understand that when Harry Lily's mother stood in front of his son and prayed for his life to be spared, offering himself, offering. Harry will gain lifelong magical protection. However, to be honest, Neville was very much in the books and films "Harry Potter"; He didn't Also Should be the savior of the world of magic.
The Harry Potter films are now moving peacock.
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