Steven Cruezer Tees of Yelojacts Big Answer Fans won't see

Yelojackets Steven Cruyzer Teas how to provide big answers to 3 seasons that fans are not coming
Steven Cruyzer plays Ben Scott in Yelozcket. Kylie Showerman/Paramount+

Season 3 Yolojackets Our biggest questions provide some of the huge answers - but are the fans ready for a big manifestation?

With an exclusive interview with Our weekly, Steven Cruyer Tease how the hit showtime series removes unexpected twists. "I would simply say that you would be surprised, which has become a common theme in this show," he mentioned. “There are surprises everywhere. And this season works really well for masking them not just to make surprises so that people do not see them coming "

Cruyer, 35, "Really excited to see" After the people's response Read popular fan theories for years.

“The fan theories are cracking me. Some people sent me something to me and I just like I, 'these are great' '' just thoughts and creativity blows my mind every season. I love it about this show, "he said OursThe "This is one of the cool elements about this particular story" "

This actor, who has played coach Ben Scott since the event, The imagination has been imagined Since his character did not appear on the current timeline. Cruyer will not leave Ben's path this season - but he likes the suggestion of the audience Where did he finish.

"All things about Coach Ben are rescued in front of girls or after girls - and this is completely different timeline - and perhaps he just returned to the desert to mess with them," he asked about his favorite theory. "Some of them I read and I like, 'it may be very close to what happens.'

Yelojackets Steven Cruyzer Teas how to provide big answers to 3 seasons that fans are not coming
Steven Cruyer in Yelojacte Ben Scott character Kylie Schwarman/Shotime

Although Cruyer can't reveal what happened, he already liked to know, "This is just an important organ of acting nature and as an industrial form. So the more information you have, the more you can create your performance during long stress On television, we find the luxury of making a really long arcade in every episode because you can find it so long to explore it. "

Showotime series, which was premiere in 2021, Following the football team of a high school girls It ended in the desert of Canada after the plane crash. The survivors do not return home for 19 months, at which time they are driven to eat each other to survive. Yelojacts also have a timeline of the present day that re -introduce survivors after more than two decades.

Cruelier shared, "I always talk to the showers before the season, and they are great about sharing information with this understanding that things may change throughout the season," the Cruiser shared. "But I always get all the information I can do. Where does the character begin? Where does the character end? What are some things that happen on the way? This is how I can enter it myself and start making the performance and start looking for the arc that I wish I would like to take the character from the beginning to end "

Season 3 for six months After Ben himself separated from the rest of the group. However, his decision not only does not mean that Ben is rich when the audience checks in with him.

"The really interesting thing about the start of the season is just the justSposition between how girls were living and how coach Ben lives. Obviously he is now himself. He has completely concentrated on survival at the moment. He has very little resources, "he explained. "He has found this shelter, which is great. And that was what he saved him and he was able to do what he had. But it is overnight when they are girls and what they are able to achieve. "

Cruyer Groups enjoyed "truly interesting duality", added, adding, "When you really see that when someone is forced to escape the very minimum resource, you have a group that is true and works together. This The glimpse of the season is ... Ben Scott is somehow not knowing how much this guy is. ”

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Due to the start of the season For the more light heart The small team does not mean that it stays that way.

"It is not dark in the sense of where you prefer, 'Oh, it's so heavy, I can't see it.' The thing I like about this season is that it is dark but they finally jump (to fill in the vacuum), "he mentioned. "It becomes dark very quickly and you see the whole mentality for everyone of this descent. However, it has been done in a cute way with so many different twists and turning that you don't see. "

The Cruiser concluded: “This is just an endless satisfactory season. The general Sens Camma is that we all hope this is going to be our best season because the writing is at such a point, the story is really associated with all the loose edges that people are thinking and you can see what happens finally. "

Yolojackets Paramount+ is available for stream on Friday and Shotime is aired on Sunday at 9am ET.

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