Kylie and Jason Kels have revealed who is the least romantic of them

Kylie and Jason Kels have revealed who is the least romantic of them
Mike Coppola/Getty Fig

Kylie And Jason Kels Opening about their love life.

This couple revealed that Kylie's latest episode was the least romantic among them during the conversation of sweet love day “Kylie won't lie with Cales” Podcast was published on Friday, February 14.

"I am recorded in my recent episode that we are truly love day guy," Kylie, 32, persuade her husband to join her husband, "Speak on your own. No maniac likes to leave any leave where you celebrate your loved ones. Can

37 -year -old Jason has revealed that he has now liked Valentine's Day since meeting Kylie, with whom he divided three daughters, Wiyats, 3, Eliot, 3, and Bennett for 20 months. (This couple is also expecting their fourth child, a girl))

"Now I do (love the day of love) because I love you. Why should I celebrate it before? “Jason is silent.

Kylie then asked Jason to name which one of them was the least romantic.

Former NFL star admits "I think if we are on average, if I have built," he added more: "But if we are going to the height of the top romantic gesture, I think I'm the winner."

Kylie has subsequently revealed a recent Romantic gesture From her husband for Christmas.

"I thought the Christmas gift was very good this year," he said. Jason agreed, "outstanding."

"This year's Christmas gift, I got you a locket that was a picture of our dog, Winn, who died this (past) year. It was like a little lock of gold whose green emerald things were, "Jason explained.

Kylie added, "Inside the picture was Winnie on our wedding day and I was a picture. And in the back, it says 'Win' and in front, it has a 'k' I like it. It was a very romantic gesture. "

Although Kylie admits that he is not usually a fan of love day, Jason made a joke to his wife, "Do not record me in your anti-valentine-corus."

Kylie and Jason have been together for almost a decade and married in April 2018.

Kylie last month Pick-up line revealed He used Jason's first dating app to match Tinder.

“We match (and) I sent him a pick-up line. I said, 'I need a lifeller. I read for you and I can't get up, "" Kylie remembered. "He gave back the message and was like that, 'No, you've been able to try more.' I would like to give me your package 'and we are well.'

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