Yellowelkets Season 3 may have confirmed who is a pit girl

Spoilers For "Yellowothlings" to follow.

The Yellowjackets pilot has an unforgettable opening sequence. A girl, dressed only in a short trim nightclub, runs barefoot through an ice forest. While running away, the ground gives a way and it falls into the pit, immediately killed by wooden spikes protruding from the ground. The skirts are not set, so the wicked atmosphere rises when the masked figure turns over the pit.

Yes, from the beginning we knew that the yellow pockets - trapped in the desert for 19 months - will resort not only cannibalism but also to hunting and butchers. "Pete Girl", as fans call it now, may be the first example of someone (or something) to hunt, but it is clear that it is not the first prey that other girls have ever passed.

Since the start of the show, fans have naturally wondered when "Yelloweljak" will return to this and reveal the true identity of Pit Girl. Some quickly assumed she was jackkeeping (Ella Pourno) because we knew early, she died in the desert and had the same golden heart necklace. But it was before Team bought him in the final of season 1 with just freezing to death.

Season 2 of Yellowelkquets revealed how the group chose hunting victimsleaving it in the hands of fate by playing for drawing cards. (The relevant scene in "Choose" feels Immediately from Johnon Carpenter's "The Thing" and her famous blood test scene.)

Now we came to the Yellowjackets Season 3. In the story in the 1990s, spring came and the snow melted. This confirms that the pit of the girl will die during the Yellowliers in the desert during the second and last winter. ("Yellowelikers" proved to be a show that maintains its mysteries that go as long as possible, Assisted by his design design team.)

Keep in mind, a pit girl is One girl, so we knew from the beginning that she couldn't be Travis (Kevin Alves) or coach Ben Scott (Steven Krueger). We also know about the fact that Shauna (Sophie Nelis), Taisa (Jasmine Savoy Brown), Natalie (Sophie Thatcher), Misti (Samantha Harenti), Lotti (Courtney Eton) and Van (Liv Huyson) survive and are saved, and and are saved, so do Save, so they are not them either. The girl is fair and dark hair, so it's not Akilah (Nia Sonada) or blonde Melissa (ENENA BURGES). From the existing suspects, who basically narrow him to the general (Vanessa Prasad) or Marie (Alexa Baraas)-and the premiere of two episodes of season 3, "IT Girl" and "Dislocation", strongly suggests that she is Marie.

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