Star Bravo Reality, which initially rose as a member of the "Real Housewives of Atlanta", joined the "M2M" family during the 10th Emission Season in 2023. Years.
However, after the disputed nephomor year among the doctors of the network and doctors, the mother two decided that it was time to move on.
Before they officially reported, the star reality would attend the season to deal with the drama that happened, but based on a photo of the seating charts shared by Bravo, completely skipped the hellish parks.
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Phaedra parks skip "M2M" Reunion after drama with reservoirs
For those who can be unknown with lock and his practices, the network usually shares a photo of a seated rheonion day so that observers can get a feeling of how the day can go.
The photo is divided into their Instagram, "married drugs" they learned that parks were involved in a lot of seasonal drama, skipped in Taping in New York with the Host Andy Cohen.
Although there was a shocking, absence of parks in re-gathering among some observers. The lawyer and the former "traitors" of the star is involved in Drama with several of its reserves, including Dr. Jackie Walters, etc. Kime, which resulted in the last name in the network dissolution.
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The middle trailer for the series also teased the upcoming fireworks between the parks and her ex-husband, Apollo Nida.
During the excursions that the host in Kimes, seemingly seemingly surprised by the parks showing off his now with his wife, encourage the parks to leave early.
"Some people can play with, and I'm not one of them," Parks said during confessional.
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Kimes comes for Phaedra Parks
Although the situation caused a lot of tensions among the group, Kimes insisted during the previously episode of the series that the parks knew that Nida was coming to a trip.
"We are in a great place", parks told Kimes over the phone. "I appreciate calling me; I really work. Let him be a surprise."
However, now that episodes broadcast, there seems to be a bad blood between Kimes and parks.
During the episode of Kimes "Weekly robbers, the dentist and the reality of the stars have fallen in parks, saying the star of the" real housekeepers "spreads with her. Kimes has also warned the parks that if she attended gathering, she was ready to face her with her.
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"I'm coming for your" S, "Kimes." Don't lie on me, Fahedra; I don't like that sh-t. I wouldn't do that; I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't do it to you or anyone else. "
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Fans respond to the lack of parks from gathering
Now that the news about the absence of parks on "married medicine" re-abolished the Internet, Bravo viewers wager on the drama, and their reaction seems to be divided.
On X, earlier Twitter, one user said that the attendance of parks in the gathering "below it was" below her ".
Under the Bravo's Official Instagram field, another user shared a similar belief, saying that the absence of parks was a "good" move for the mortar.
However, quite several users increased, calling her "boring" and "loser".
Other observers criticized the lock for the involvement of the parks, which is neither a doctor nor wedded for medicine, in the show in the first place.
"I didn't expect Fahedra to show up," they wrote.
Ladies "M2M" did not believe Phaedra Parks wanted to meet them

The second reason in the meeting in the meeting in the NYC can be surprising to some observers is to have explosive cracks with federal stars throughout the season.
During the early episode, the parks had a moment with that Bush Harris, who questioned the bravo veteran about his personal life, including what would make it "ticks."
"We all have that moment, so I'm just curious. What is that moment for you? Give me an example," Harris query Parks.
Later Harris discovered in the confessional that she felt parks wanted to keep things "surface" in his group so she doesn't have to share her business.
However, parks quickly shot the debate.
"Girl, I don't have this conversation," she replied. "I have great conversations with numerous people in this group."
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Parks are still on the lock
Although the parks have kicked out "married to socializing in medicine", the reality of the stars still work for Bravo.
In the summer 2024. The network announced the return of parks into one of the most popular series ", the right housewives atlanta."
For those who can be unknown, the Star "Brail Boot Camp" went to the series in 2017. After a shocking blow from Castmate Candles Barruss.
After a period of absence, parks returned On the network in the "M2M" before moving to the show that started it in the center.
She teased return to the extravagant Instagram post, carrying a gleaming two-piece set while holding Peach.
"You called, I replied," she wrote.
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