Gillie da Kid says teenagers killed his son's death too

Gillie is Kid He lost his son, Devin spadyJuly 2023 in the triple shot of Philadelphia. It was known as Spady ChanceAnd his father did not open publicly until his death a few months later. Last time, he revealed that the cheese was believed that a teenager who was believed to be involved in death.

Related: Gillie da Kid opens the Yng Cheese (video) of his eldest son

Gillie is Kid shares more details about Noah Scurry

By talking to Shannon Sharpe, Gillie is the Kid said Police called him a 17-year-old suspect. 'The host of host worth dollaz did not know Noah Scurry. However, police informed him that they died and died after firing several times.

"When the kid walked with his mother, he walked with his mother, and then the police informed me that he was one of the children who was on the verge of accessing the slaughter., But first died" Gillie Ted Shannon.

Scurry believes that Devin Spady's death is in charge of death, Gillie da Kid said "wrong place, wrong time." Noah Balek allegedly fired 2023 disk polishing to strike cheese. As for Scurry, TMZ reports Filly in the field was a basketball star. In high school, SAT had the highest scores.

Gillie is opened before Kid in September spent around the Yng Cheese.

"It should have been the worst time ... well, worst and best," he explained. "I had to be the worst time when I had to clean the body ... That's been the worst. But it was the best because I became a man that day ...", Gillie shared 'pivot podcast'.

Related: Wallo & Gillie talks about the heart of the drug events with black codak talking about the drug incident (video)

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