Momma Dee Bambi talk about Bambi Shakira (videos)

Bedroom, Momma Dee It is an explosion Bambi To share strong words Shakiramother Galaa newborn son.

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Shakira moves to Momma Dee Bambi for sharing the strong words of the son of Saive Son of Scrappy

Wednesday, February 12, @LiveBite, a user XHowever, earlier he was known as Twitter since it seemed to be a last animal of Momma Dee. In the clip, Scrappy's mother directly directed Bambi.

"But Bambi, to say, 'F ** K Your new baby' - that girl doesn't know you. And yet you attacked him. And then you attacked my new grandson," said Momma Dee. "B *** h, what you don't want is".

From there, Bambi went to call "Dirt" and "Trash" and also took a trash with Bambi to show what he will do.

Also, @ LiveBitez also took separately Clgo Momma lives. In footage, the alleged Bambia left three children and Scrappy in the 38-degree weather, a month after divorce. In addition, Scrappy's mother believed that children were in pajamas and soil soils.

Here's what Bambi apparently said: Momma Dee launched

So Shadow room As previously reported, the comments that the mother peeled Deere's feathers showed Bambi in a last passage of the film 'Love & Hip Hop Atlanta'. Monthly, Bambi shows the answer to Erica Dixon to apologize and ask for Scrappy's daughter to ask for a given daughter.

In his response, Bambi did not apologize anyone. He also said, also if Scrappy's mother wanted to burn with him, they could have.

"By the way, the f ** k is also a new Baby Baby," I'm tired of all f ***** gb ***** s. All f ** k! Rare A ** f ***** GB ***** s, "Bambi said in the confessional scene of the show.

Note, at the moment there is no clear where Bambi Dee did when he "attacked", when Kyrie made "attack".

Meanwhile, it is going to enjoy Scrappy with his newborn son of Shakira and Shakira

Although it looks like a family drama, Scrappy seems to keep a smile. So Shadow room In advance they reported this week, the scrap spent his quality time with Kyrie.

Related: Father's duties! Lil Scrappy His newborn son (watch) his son throws the most adorable videos of the newborn

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