Former Chief Wide Receiver Kaderius Tony arrested on charges of attacking

Ex -Chief Wide Receiver Qaderius Tony arrested after arrested women 232
Kaderius Tony. Cooper Neil/Getty Fig

Former Kansas City Chiefs Width Cadarus February was arrested in February for allegedly breathing a woman during a dispute at a Georgia residence last month.

Tony, 26, put a woman's hand around the neck "with enough force to breathe" to the breathe "complained" according to the police document received TMZThe

The report also states that the accused attack left the woman red mark on her neck and "Petecial hemorrharing in his eyes". Police say that Tony took the woman's phone during a protest to prevent 911 from dialing.

Tony was accused of increasingly attacking one counting and a count of 911 calls/harassment. He was booked at an advantage in Douglas County, Georgia and was placed on a bond of $ 25,000 for each calculation.

Touchdown Record Dances broke the heads of the Touchdown Record Dance Football with tribute to Tovis Kels Tony Gonzalez 742

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Traveis Celsius did a touchdown during the game on his Wednesday, December 25, on the game, breaking a large Kansas City Chiefs record. The Touchdown on Wednesday means 35 -year -old Athlete Tony Gonzalez's most career Touchdown Receptions defeated the previous record. In the celebration, Kels himself sank the ball with respect to Gonzalez. “I'm following him (…)

Our weekly Reached Tony to comment.

Alam Tony, a university in Florida, chose with their first round selection in the New York Giants 2021 NFL draft. He played one and a half seasons with the giants before he was doing business in Kansas City, where he was part of the Chiefs 2022 and 2023 Super Bowl-Buli team.

Philadelphia AG from Gols to Super Bull LVII, a kick on the back of 65 yards to Tony owns the record for the longest pants return. He's not appropriate in any Chief's Play -Games in their race The second championship drawnThe

Later he headed to the training camp with the Chiefs at the end of Kansas City Defensive last summer George Curfts He threw him to the ground during a drama in practice. Tony has taken revenge by throwing football in Carlatts.

Tight End and Team Leader Travis kellas Then went to Carlaftis And the defense ended to exchange words with him before shaking. The practice started again after a few moments without some more events.

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The NFL season does not officially start for another six weeks, but the tension is already high for Travis Celsi and Kansas City Chiefs. George Carlatis Wide Receiver Wide Receiver Qaderius Tony after Chief Defensive Ends Hit the team on Wednesday, July 24, (…) Hit on the question of 4 days of training camp

“This kind of thing happens every day,” reminds Carlafts Our weekly Exclusively in September 2021. I don't have all these text messages and notifications and keys. "

"Trave and I am the boy, so it wasn't very big thing," he said. "It was 10 minutes after the occurrence was water at the bottom of the bridge."

When the camp was broken with Carlafts Chiefs, the team rejected the Tony team's alternative before the 2024 season. After being caught with Cleveland Browns, he was released on December 10. He just appeared in a game just a day ago and earned a 15-yage tanting penalty with a loser that removed the team from the play-off debate.

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