Lauren rider There was nothing but positive things to say about the pal Serena Williams'Shocked 2025 Super Bull HalfTime presence.
“I was very proud of him. I said, 'He is my mood all day today,' "Rider, 56, shared exclusively Our weekly While promoting his book Scrambled or sunny?The "I was okay, 'I want to dance that dance.' I text him, I was, 'You killed it.' She's like, 'What do you think?' I was, 'Yes, yes.' "
Rider said he didn't know that 43 years old Williams was going Create a camo Time Centered lamerPerformance on Sunday, Feb 9 - and "could not wait" to talk to him. (Philadelphia AG Gols eventually defeated Kansas City Chiefs 8-22 in New Orleans Superdo on Sunday.)
“He looked bright. He looked very good. He was hard and tantalized and short and his hair was flying, and he looked great, "Rider said." I was, 'I wanted to see that.' It was the Super Bowl show for me. I liked it. Me, yes, happy for Fillie, but just very happy ”"
১ 37 -year -old Lamar when his hit disk track in the game "did not like us" spreads the cameras to Williams, who was walking on the top of a platform. (The dance was popular by gang members in the California componion, where both Lamar and Williams were raised.)
The presence of surprise - which burned the ongoing disputes of Lamar and Draw, since the "God's Swear's plan" was rapper Previously attached romantically To Williams - also paid homage to his past controversial dance steps. (Williams and Drake have never publicly confirmed their alleged romance.) William Crip walked after the title "Golden Slam" in 2002 - and received a response. Williams said Ours At that time in an interview that he did not "care" about criticism.

Rider Williams was called a "my very dear friend" and he said that Athlete navigated for her husband's damage when he was "such inspi" for her, JRWho died suddenly in 2022. The rider mentioned that the half-sister of Williams, Yeats pricesHe died in the 21st and mentioned that Athlete JR like "almost a pulmonary died in ambulance".
"I think on the boat with him, he would come after the junior and only sitting with me at times and I wasn't okay. I wasn't in the correct frame of my mind. There was nothing to say no one could say. This is when you're in a room that you can't see them, your sorrow is so deep that you are in this cloud and you are wondering if there is the sun again. You are wondering if there is a rainbool again, "Rider said." And he just said, 'I'm not going to sit here. I'm just going to sit here. I'm not worried when I get up in your nerve. I'm not going to talk. I will only be with you. 'And she was really amazing. "
Rider explained that Williams encouraged him Would like support A group of mourning classes, which he felt initially to follow, agreed to participate in the end.

"Long story briefly, I realized that not just women who lost their husband. Some of them lost their lives, ways to pay for their bills, ways to support their kids at school or a light bill or way to pay cards. And I realized that I still had all things and I can't imagine what life would be like for someone who was mourning and starting the whole new life, "Rider said." I promised myself from that moment I am my new one Find out why I always help people find a better way or through an alternative plan. "
Scrambled or Sunny-Side Up?: Your best life After losing your biggest love Now available in the bookstore.
Including reporting by Christina Garibaldi
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