If you have experienced continuous digestion, we know that certain foods can cause confusion. Your intuition All kinds of unpleasant symptoms such as chronic abdominal pain, gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation are caused.
It may be difficult to know exactly exactly exactly what food makes you feel miserable, but researchers have found a diet called a low light diet. It can help to alleviate the discomfort of digestion By grasping the most food.
Obviously, if you have serious camouflage problems, you need to find a qualified professional will. But if you are wondering if the low light can help you Swell And settle the ship. There is something you need to know here.
What is a low Fordmap diet?

Low -income diets, also known as "FODMAP DIET" or "IBS Diet," works while temporarily cutting specific groups in diets. carbohydrate Fermentic oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols known as FODMAPS. By removing this carbohydrate and then introducing it again- (At all) that is not absorbed by your internal organs -You can find out the food that can withstand your intestines, and you can start to find out which food makes you feel you.
researcher Monash University In Australia Originally formalized the diet To deal with the role of this carbohydrate in IBS.
Is the low Fordmap diet healthy?
As a short -term therapy, a low Ford map diet is a safe way to find out which food can cause a problem with what food can cause a lot of relief. However, many healthy staples, including many Beans and plants,,, Whole grain,,, Fruits and vegetables -Fodmap is high, so I don't want to prohibit all FODMAPs forever.
Andrea N. Giancoli, MPH, and RD said, “We want people to eat this food. Balanced diet. ”
Reasons for professional guidelines
Removal and re -introduction can be a complex process. Therefore, you may be tempted to launch a list of FODMAP foods for printing and go on a DIY path Talk to the nutritionist It specializes in gastrointestinal disorders and can guide each stage.
Giancoli said, “It is important not to diagnose because there are many things that can continue in the stomach and small intestine. "If you are not needed or not effective, you do not want to have a diet."
First of all, the removal step is not as simple as prohibiting all foods including FODMAP. It does not cause symptoms and can withstand certain high -meat map foods of small serving size. For example, wheat is limited to low -altitude diets, but nutritionists can give you a person who can eat. Wheat sometimes.
And a list of FODMAP foods is not as simple as you can see. For example, bananas are a noble map when cooked, but when not ripe, it is a low score. Beans are considered high horror map foods, but canned chicks and lens beans tend to be low in fodmap, and smaller parts may not cause symptoms.
Re -introduction or challenges, and steps can be difficult. To be honest-even if there is a list of low beef map foods, most people do not know our disapproval in the polyol. The nutritionist can guide the steps of integrating each subgroup into a diet.
"It is very important to do this in a systematic way to determine which food and FODMAP groups cause symptoms and not." Alicia Galvin, RD
Conclusion: The tolerance of everyone for FODMAP is different. If you work with your nutritionist, you may not miss out what foods you need to spend, what amount to find, and more than the need for your health, and you may not miss healthy food and major nutrients.
What kind of food can you eat on a savings diet?
According to Monash University researchers, according to Low Ford Map Food Get green indicators in the removal stage.
- vegetable : Eggplant, mung bean, blessing, bell peppers, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, potato, tomato, pumpkin
- fruit: Melon, grapes, kiwi, mandarin orange, orange, pineapple, strawberry, immature bananas
- Dairy and alternatives: Almond Milk, Brie, Camanbert, Fetus, Tsushima Milk, Hard Cheese, Lactose Milk It is made of soybean protein extract or “hull” soybean
- protein: Eggs, hard tofu, ordinary cooking meat, seafood, tempe
- Grains and alternatives: Corn (COB, Polenta, Deortilla, Popcorn), Amaranth (Puffed), Oats, Bulgur, Quinoa, Millet, Millet
- snack : Dark chocolate, maple syrup, rice malt syrup, table sugar
- Nuts and seeds: Macadamia nuts, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, walnuts
What food should I avoid in the bass map diet?
The following high school map foods should be avoided in the removal stage and gradually re -introduced with the help of nutritionists.
- vegetable : Artichok, asparagus, collie flower, garlic, green peas, leek, mushroom, onion, sugar snap peas
- fruit: Apple, cherry, dried fruits, mangoes, ripples, peaches, pears, plums, watermelons, well -ripe bananas
- Dairy and alternatives: Cow, custard, evaporation milk, ice cream, soy milk It's made of soybeans (Unlike soybean protein extract or “hull” soybeans,
- protein: Beans and plants, pickled meat, processed meat
- gig: Wheat/Rye/Barley -based bread, morning cereal, snack product
- snack : Go flat corn syrup, honey, sugar candy
- Nuts and seeds: Cash, Pistachio
Can you lose weight on low -income diet?
It can simply lose a few pounds because it removes a lot of sugar. But this is not a weight loss diet.
Galvin said, “I don't recommend this diet to lose weight. "Weight loss requires long -term diet and lifestyle changes, and prominent Korean diets do not follow in the long run."
Besides, it is not a perfect weight loss plan. Low FODMAP diets are not only much more difficult to find healthy recipes, but also can still be used in FODMAP approval foods such as table sugar and dark chocolate. However, if you deal with other relevant inconveniences of gas, bloating and digestive pain, soothing symptoms can be prioritized anyway.
Repeated is as follows. This is not a digestive strategy. However, the low Fordmap diet is not easy, but it can be an effective way to help you find out which food is messed up with your camouflage system and to help you get slogan under your doctor and registration.
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