'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' star Jennifer Afflek declared pregnancy with Baby No.3!

Jennifer Afflec

'Mormon Wife's Star Jennifer Afflek's Secret Lives announces pregnancy with No. 3 Baby!

Jennifer Afflec With her husband expecting number three children, Jack Afflec! Couple, already three-year-old daughter's parents Nosa And the 19 months old boy LucasThe exciting news has shared that they are adding another small family to the family.

Jennifer Afflec

Jennifer Stated Man"I had a few days late, and even after it was surprised, we both felt that we were waiting for one more child for us. We were very excited, there was a lot of emotions after a very crazy year!"

This couple is waiting until the baby arrives for sexual intercourse, Jennifer A girl has a sight strong feeling. "I dreamed of this little girl for a while and I really believe that he is the one I am carrying," she shared. In spite of the joy, Jennifer Acknowledged that his first trimester was not easy. "It was really mentally and physically challenged; I felt all the symptoms - nausea, nausea, fatigue and mood, "he explained." It is definitely chaotic, no doubt about it. "

Jennifer Afflec

Jennifer The journey is not just about pregnancy - she too is ready to publish its season 2 The secret life of the dead wives. After a season whose challenges were a fair part of the challenges, Jennifer The first season of the show took a toll, not just in his wedding, but also his mental health.

"Season 1 took a toll on my mental health, not just for my wedding. There were many dark days, “he shared.

Jennifer Afflec

Nevertheless, he is waiting to share his story further. "Filming can be incredibly mentally dry, and it was a big challenge to add pregnancy with all the challenges I faced last season," he said.

"This pregnancy was the most difficult."

Jennifer Afflec

As 2 season, Jennifer And Jack Both are expected to return, a lot of fans' excitement. And when he is preparing for their new arrival, Jennifer is aiming for a uninterrupted, natural birth.

“I hope for a happy and healthy delivery. I am noticed for a continuous and natural birth, something I'm preparing and working towards, ”he said.

Jennifer Afflec

Fans can catch all plays and new developments The secret lives of the woman Opened Hulu From one season.

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