Max's movie number 1 with Andrew Garfield and Florence Pug will make you cry

Do you feel like crying big baby tears at any moment in the near future? If the answer to that question is "Yes", we probably have to order "We live on time", the new crying movie Director Johnon Crowley It stars Florence Pug and Andrew Garfield.

Crowley-known for another critically beloved tearcheck, Brooklyn in 2015-brought two of the ship's favorite celebrities on the ship for this moving non-linear Loveboy Story, which throws Pug as a skateter for figures turned professional chef Almut As cereal representative Tobias Durand Durand Durand Durand, Tobias Durand Durand, Tobias Durand Durand (he works specifically for Weetabix, a brand that may be a little unknown to spectators). After Almut accidentally hit Tobias with his car just as he was preparing to sign divorce documents for his first marriage, the two hit an unexpected relationship, despite Almut's initial resistance to get in and unwillingly to discuss the possibility of having children. After all, Almut reveals that it suffers from ovarian cancer, which can affect its ability to have children; After receiving surgery, the two have a child, but Almut cancer returns after their daughter Ella is born.

Pug and Garfield are absolutely beautiful in the film. They both have the excessive ability to express the clearest emotions without saying a world, and their chemistry is so intense that, During the filming, they actually got A. a little worn while shooting an intimate scene. So what do critics think about "we live in time" - and who surprisingly the movie is Real Breaker Wed?

What do critics think about living in time?

Surprisingly, "Live to time"-who has a great director behind the camera and two top actors in front of it-worked pretty solid reviews from critics when it was released in October 2024. With 79% of Rotten tomatoesConsensus is "obvious Chemistry of Andrew Garfield and Florence Pug will snatch" the hearts of the audience before breaking into "We live in time", a powerful melodrama that uses its nonlinear structure to deliberately explore the sadness ", and Individual critics certainly repeated that feeling. "There is something refreshing directly for" We live on time "," /Review of the film States. "It's a gentle, tear melodrama in the Old Hollywood mode, assured that the Loveum Love Coat of two ordinary people would make for an extraordinarily emotional journey."

"Pug and Garfield are a dynamite duo in this most beautiful, satisfactory complicated Love Bowl," Amon Wulman wrote Magazine Empireconcluding that the film is "worthy of your time and tears". In his review for The GuardianPeter Bradshaw had some reservations, but praised the performances, writing: "I felt the film was avoided in connection with the nonlinematic reality of what serious illness and death looks like ... but the film is still something to see, if only for wonderful He performed from Garfield and Pug. "

For Time outHelen O'Hara praised Pug, Garfield, And Crowley at once: "Crowley, after nailing his casting, directed with a light hand and following the emotion through, to good effect. It feels real and honestly, in a way that is managed by too little romantic movies. " Richard Roper on It was pretty sprayed about the two advantages of the film, writing, "by Pug and Garfield delivering authentic, original film-stinting shows," Live Age of Time "is an old-fashioned cry, made with heart and originality." David fear, in his review for Rolling stoneHe may have summed up best: "" We live on time "is an actor's film, if needed, if not always with design. You know where the destination ends before even the film starts. Pug and Garfield make the final game worth traveling, no matter where you set it up. "

/Film also spoke directly with Crowley about the episode of /film daily podcast:

Live we in time is a sweet movie, but it can be best known for meme

Yes, Florence Pug and Andrew Garfield - Who, I have to repeat, are two of the most gifted Hollywood performers, who have both Oscar nominations under the belts - are amazing in "Live." that we do what we have to talk. I am, of course, Talking about that freaky horse with a cheerful-rude from the poster.

Light yellow horse carousel, which was inexplicable shown Next to Pug and Garfield One of the promotional posters of the film ended with unexpected waves on social media in August 2024, months before the film hit theaters. The work was eventually memorized to death, and during the performance of "The Late Show with Steven Colbert", "" where Garfield gave him the host with a shirt wearing the horse, uh, strikingly Picture, the lead actor said that while he also thought it was a wild move to put the horse right in the middle of the poster, he initially hoped it would not be a big deal. "I see this picture and I think:" Maybe I'm the only one to notice this crazy horse, "Garfield told Colbert in October of that year. "He feels like we are in his poster, in a way. No, I'm probably too sensitive. No one else will see that. "

People saw it, and that became obvious to Garfield when he was at the airport after a withdrawal without a phono and saw people laughing at it. Until Garfield follows this threat to "reach the bottom of the pictures, where the surveillance has collapsed and why this horse took its life" and to make documents for the horse, "We live in time" is available to the maximum.

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