After living with the family, two Detroit children walk

Two children have just frozen death in a Detroit casino vehicle. According to Related pressHe confirmed local police who lived in the vehicle with the family and moved as much as possible.

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For context, there were three other children and two adults, including their mother, to be inside the vehicle under the underlying temperature. 9-year-old boy and only a 2-year-old girl died within the garage of the casino car park. Police Todd Bettison said that the family lived in two or three months and sometimes chose parking in casinos to access security and toilets. The boy and the girl died after the family van stopped all night and could not produce heat.

The Mayor of Detroit said his mother searched housing support before the death of children

The children's mother contacted the town hall on November 25, looking for help with the home. However, 24 hours later, the mayor Mike Duggan revealed that the housing problem was never solved. In addition, the mayor indicated that he was a lack of communication at both ends.

"For any reason, this did not think about the emergency, which affected the family visiting family. ... As far as we were able to determine so far, the family never called for the service," Duggan said. "And as far as we could tell us, our homeless employees never reached proactive ways," What happened to your situation? Was it resolved? "

At the press conference, Mayor Duggan revealed the family shelter with the available casino beds as a "few kilometers" from the casino. The city also assured the city of Detroit with 1,400 open beds and for people who seek shelter.

"Someone in an emergency is going to go to a police policie. They will navigate the process and go to the hostel," Duggan mayor.

In response to the incident, Duggan spent two weeks to review his family history city history. "Detroit day is a terrible day" The mayor also said.

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Related Press Reporter helped White Ed in this report.

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