Draya Michele celebrates Jalen Green 23rd birthday (photos)

Social media is reacting to photos Drai Michele celebrate Jalen green23 birthday.

Related: Issa Baewatch! Here are 5 times Draya Michele & Jalen Green made his head on social media

Draya Michele Jalen Green's 23 birthday is celebrated

Houston rocket faced the face against Toronto Raptors on Sunday, February 9th. Note, also the date 23 green. It is a birthday. In addition to celebrating rockets, to win against Raptors, 94-87, green is also celebrating its BOO.

Draya Michele appeared in the game, a "Birthday Jalen" sign up. Moreover, the couple also shared a kiss between the victory of the rockets.

Peep Michele Courtside photos with its birthday posts shared with green through his Instagram story.

In addition, Michele celebrated with its green birthday.

Check the pictures below.

Social media reacts

Social Media Users reacted by Draya Michele to celebrate Jalen Green's 23 birthday Shadow room comment section.

Instagram User @ Tynicolle wrote, "He got pizza and cupcakes waiting in the locker rooms "

While Instagram User @theylovenu_ add, "Like a proud mother of a smh

Instagram User @ Pink_lady wrote, "40 years when you are 23 years old πŸ˜‚ "

Instagram User while @CmichelleBeautyPro added, "Minrrrrrr πŸ˜©πŸ˜’ is giving "

Instagram User @at.dacake wrote, "πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Doesn't give a damn "

While Instagram user added @adorasaurus, "Nothing 23 years old is offering me smh "

Instagram User @pretty__Tamia wrote, "Trying to normalize this is so strange "

While Instagram User @ Mac.Savvy added, "23 years old? Ill is 😭 "

Instagram User @ CandaceeeE4 wrote, "It's not nice ... I say what I'm telling me "

While Instagram User @tenderoniatl was added, "Dray never gave πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ to πŸ˜‚ "

Instagram User @ Teelagail wrote, "I love teachers who support students πŸ˜πŸ™ŒπŸ½ "

While Instagram User added @Ranikajackman, "23 ?????????? Why did parents allow this ??? "

Jalen Green Recently Draya Michele 40. The birthday was celebrated

So Shadow room He previously reported in the last month, green 40 Michele. He celebrated his birthday. At the time, he published a picture and his cozy Boo is comfortable.

"Happy Pay on my side. I love you. @Drayamichele," He wrote in the subtitle of the photo.

Related: That's BAE! Jalen Green by Draya Michele 40. It celebrates birthday with a sweet shout (photo)

What do you think of the bedroom?

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