One Comic of Marvel combined villains of spiderman and poison

"The Last Hunt of Kaven" is a story with six editions of the 1987 Spider-Man, while running through the three current Spider-Man titles at the time (yes, three: "Incredible Spider-Man", Peter Parker, a spectacular spider -Man, "and" Spiderman ").

Kraven, feeling his age and is still not closer to Spiderman's defeat, concludes that he will never make his prey with his hands, so he finally decided to use a rifle instead. After engulfing Spiderman, shooting him and buried him, Kraven decided to wear Spiderman's costume and fight criminals, feeling that his victory would be complete by being better Spiderman. Of course, Spider-Man is not actually Dead and crawl out of the grave. Shortly thereafter, Kraven uses the same rifle to end his own life. This end was so held that actually know actually stayed Dead 22 years of publication.

Dematheis has been the story of a hero's "defeat" villain for some time (one version will show Batman and the Joker, who eventually became "Walking Health" in 1994). The story became Spiderman and Kraven by accident. Demateis took place on the Encyclopedia of the Marvel Universe and revealed, to pleasure, that Kraven is Russian. In the preface in 2006 to "The Last Hunt of Knavat", Dematis wrote:

"Why should that excite me like that? One word: Dostoevsky. When I read "Crime and Punishment" and "Karamazov Brothers" in high school, they broke through my brain, descended in my nervous system ... And they tore me into pieces. Soul. It was my soul ... At one point, I understood Sergei Kravinov. "

"The Last Hunting of Kaven" " is "Crime and Punishment". In Dostoevsky's novel, the protagonist Rasolnikov (a poor Russian student living in the shovel) breaks into a female apartment and kills her. He does it for money, yes, but also to satisfy iosubopity and prove himself a superior being that can take life and escape punishment. Instead, he spends the rest of the story tormented by anxiety, afraid that he is caught and decides that only recognition and justice can clear that Russian soul of his.

Like Raskolnikov, Kraven "kills" someone to prove his superiority; In Chapter 5 ("Incredible Spider-Man" #294), he explains that he only drugs Spider-Man so he can see him first hand and then live with the knowledge that he would They died if Kraven considered it. Dematheis adds human depth to why Knavn is hunting the most dangerous game, writing it as a child of Russian nobles expelled during the October Revolution. In a world without culture, he has found his life hunting in the jungle instead.

To be the best of Spiderman over and over, turned the hero into more than just one man into the fragile mind of Kraven. The "spider" is the "demon that brought Russia to destroy ... that destroyed my father; He wasted my mother, "and personified all the fears of Kaven. He knows fatally that his death will come, but he is afraid of meeting him before he can beat the "spider" and restore his honor as a warrior and aristocrat.

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